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I knew Redwar had meant his words both as an explanation and as a statement.  The statement I understood, though not as well as I might later on.  But the explanation was what I was puzzling over as we made our way back to Mr. Time's tavern.  

There is something so wrong when what was meant to bring life destroys it...

I knew that by 'life' he meant the water inside the well, which kept humans alive.  But how could 'what brought life' in the form of water, become a destroyer of life? 

It took longer than it should have for me to come up with the answer, because I was busy following Redwar through the now completely darkened streets.  The goal was to be silent, and that took some concentration.  

But when I did find it, I understood.  There was one way to turn the water of life into death, and that was to put in it something that brings death.  


I shuddered to think of it, and I wondered what had caused Redwar to think of it.

There was just so much I didn't know about his Ravagerian past.  I knew he hated that he had been a part of it, that part I knew could not be faked.  But still, I was glad that he was here now, to teach us and warn us.  

Valeria and Daxton met us back at the tavern.  Valeria reported that Mr. Lotcin had gotten home safely, and that they'd waited outside his home for a good half hour to make sure he was safe.  They also said something interesting:  Mr. Lotcin wasn't married.  He was a bachelor with a huge dog for company.  

Daxton just stood in the shadows while Valeria filled us in.  I noticed he hung back and indicated to Redwar he wanted to talk to him.  Alone.  

I'd been raised too well by my parents and held tightly to honor by Redwar to eavesdrop.  I couldn't help being curious, but I knew it wouldn't be anything Redwar couldn't handle.  

We girls retired to our freshly scrubbed rooms exhausted.  Since we were in a town, and it'd been such a long day, Redwar let us have the night off from taking guard shifts.

Valeria graciously offered me the bed for the first night, but I put my foot down and told her to take it.  It was her turn, for she'd given me the bed for the first time in Terreth.  I was so tired that sleeping on the floor didn't make much of a difference to me. 

I awoke with the sunrise as per usual.  Valeria, as per usual, didn't wake up quite as quickly as me.  I'd have to tease her about that later.  

I crawled out from the under the covers and stretched, then sat and debated about what exactly I was going to do.  It was too late to watch the sunrise, and besides, I didn't have a place to watch it.  Breakfast wouldn't be for a little while yet, and after that I knew it'd be time for work. 

I hadn't seen the other side of town yet, but going without someone else for backup wasn't a great idea, especially with how tense things were in this town.  

I shrugged, I might as well go visit Axe and untangle the sticks in his mane.  I hadn't had the chance to do that yesterday, but I hated having sticks in his mane.  

I pushed myself up off the floor, strapped on Bound, and padded silently in bare feet across the room with my boots and socks in one hand.  Holding my breath, I grasped the door knob and slowly turned it.  No sound announced that I was leaving the room, to my surprise, and I slipped out with ease.  

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