Chapter 79 🖤

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Day of Surraiyah's Traditional 🇬🇲

Tahany ~

It was the morning of the traditional part of the wedding and since my mom was from a country right next to The Gambia ( Senegal) she had lots of Gambian friends and knew how the tradition and wedding's went . She was going to guide everyone and help us with what we were going to do.

Abdoulhakim's family already explained what we needed to do as well , so everyone was on board.

Food was prepared , Surraiyah's family and friends came and we were all dancing and singing  all day . As night started to approach Surraiyah took a shower , got her hair braided and wore a long white cloth around her waist and another white long cloth around her head covering her body .

It was almost time for Surraiyah to leave her mother and go to another house for her fathers and uncles to talk to her . She did another tradition with her mother and went to her father and the rest of the men to get lectured and to get some advice .

It was such a bitter sweet moment both her and her mother were crying because she was leaving her mom to be with her husband .

While she was going to her father and the rest of the men . We were heading to the groom's house to get money. I loved this part of the tradition . All of the girls in the house went with us to get our money .

The way it worked was that the friends of the groom had to pay the friends of the bride to get the bride . If they didn't pay , they were not going to get the bride .

We finally got to the house and Abdoulhakim and all of his friends and family were there.

" Salam wailakum ." We all said as we entered .

" Wailakum salam ." Everyone said as sat down and got offered some beverages .

" We are here for our money ." Layla said boldly .

" Ohhh y'a here for y'a money ?" One of his friends said laughing .

The whole time we were laughing , arguing , and negotiating a price. We finally reached a conclusion 10 minutes before Surraiyah was going to come .

We got $3,000 from them are we were going to split it amongst our selves .

Surraiyah ~

Finally after going to listen to my father and uncles. One of Abdoulhakim's friends came to pick me, Ibrahim , Layla, and Tahany's mom to finally bring us to Abdoulhakim . The day was honestly tiring but the process was exciting to be honest .

We finally got to the house and my face was completely covered with my white cloth and I couldn't see anything . Ibrahim's mom was guiding me . I heard a lot of people inside the house and a lot of people saying that the bride is here . As we continued walking I felt people around me and people were recording . I heard a lot of familiar voices .

" Let's do a group hug ." Tahany said as Her , Layla and I hugged .

I heard Tahany and Layla crying and I started crying but unfortunately we were ripped apart and I was brought into the room with Abdoulhakim. They made us do a couple of more traditional things and my aunt told me that she would make sure everyone left and she would lock the door.

I was finally able to see and Abdoulhakim and we just embraced eachother because the day was just long and stressful.

I basically had to stay in the room for 7 days with my husband . Wear my white clothes, eat light foods , and drink hot water to basically cleanse myself and prepare my self for the marriage life . I didn't wanna give up my junk food but I was going to try out the tradition anyways . My cousin Safia was also going to be here cooking my light meals and I also had Tahany's mom help me through the process as well .

The next morning we woke up for Fajr, later it was going to be time for Jummah and my husband explained that his family was going to come and have a party at the house . However I was not able to leave the room to even see them partying in the living room but they were also going to come sing and dance for me in the room .

Everyone was going to come see me today . I already missed my mom so much and it's only been a night.

Later on in the day, all my friends and cousins came and kept me company . My husbands family definitely did come to party and overall it was great and it was such a vibe .

See y'a loves ♥️

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