Chapter 1

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Danielle's POV:

I woke up to my alarm, which was louder than it's supposed to be. I'm nervous, because this is the first tableread with my new coworker/love interest/partner and it is a woman. Shonda told me her name but I was too afraid to check her profile even tho I'm curious about her. 

I cry out when I realize that I have five minutes to get ready. After I crawled out of bed I walked up to the bathroom, I quickly brush my teeth, my hair and I put it in a low ponytail. I threw on a simple red hoodie and a denim pant before I run down to the kitchen to eat something. I opened the fridge but it was quite empty so I decided to grab a coffee on my way to work. I put on a cap and walked out the front door and hopped into my car.

After the Starbuck's, I only had ten minutes to get there before the read starts, I ordered two cappuchino so I could give one to the new girl, it will be a nice welcome gift. I get there just in time. I quickly get out of my car but when I closed it and turned around way faster than I should I bumped into someone.

,,Oop- sorry!" I said as I looked up to the woman who was atleast a head taller than me. Her chocolate brown hair fell onto her shoulder like she spent hours to make it perfect. From her hair my eyes wandered up to her's. They were the most generous brown I've ever seen in my life. Her light pink lips curled up to a smile when my glanze met them. I swallowed hard. I've never seen her here before.

,,Ah! Danielle, nice to meet you! I'm Stefania Spampinato." she said as she reached out for my hand to shake it. I swallowed hard when our skin met because I felt a little lightning between our palms. Shit. She is my new coworker. She looks like she's up since the sun because she looks like-like an actress supposed to look. I looked down on myself and my old, oversized hoodie when she let go off my hand. I frowned when I thought back how my hair looked this morning.

,,I-I'm Danielle, I mean you already know that's nice to meet you too. You look really nice, I didn't think of getting ready properly and it seems-" she cut into my words with an angry face.

,,No-no! Don't even start it! You are beautiful, and I think I overdressed." she said with a generous smile. I smiled back at her but I got nervous so I looked down to my hands and realized I'm holding her coffee.

,,Oh- here, I bought coffee for you, as a welcome gift. I hope you like cappuchino." I said as I handed her the cup with a smile. 

,,I'm Italian of course I like it!" she said with a giggle. Her accent made me smile. 

,,We should go inside, Shonda doesn't like it when I'm late." I said as I started to walk into the set. Stefania nodded and followed me. 

Stefania's POV:

The way her golden hair falls and those huge deep-blue eyes. She just sits there and reads her monolouge, but it makes me happy. I'm smiling from ear to ear, just like Shonda. After we finished the table read our boss stood up and started clapping. 

,,Nice, very very nice! The whole studio went silent when you two started. It feels like you two have been friends since kindergarden. The air froze. I know this move, to make you to Danielle's love interest will bring us many many new fans. It was great, everybody can go. We start at Monday, 9am." she said as she walked out of the room. The two other guy there gratuadet to us too and they followed Shonda.

When I turned around I felt Danielle's eyes on my back. I stopped and looked back at her. She quickly looked away.

,,I saw that!" I said as I walked up to her. I already love to make her nervous. When I reached the chair she was sitting on I bent over to be closer to her face while I rested my hands on the chair's arms, so I held her between my arms. She didn't look into my eyes. ,,You can look at me Danielle, I won't eat you." I whispered as I stood up and walked away.

,,Stefania! Wait." she said as she walked to me. ,,We did great. I already love working with you. I'm sure we will be very close friends." she whispered as she licked her lips and with a touch on my arm walked pass me. Her sweet scent danced around in my nose. I stood there for a minute. Now she was the one who made me nervous.

When I walked out of the studio her car was gone. I smiled as I got into my car. I drove home and after I took a shower and made something to eat I was laying in my bed. I was on my phone still thinking about her. I already checked all her social media but I was too scared to follow her on anywhere but now I felt an urge to follow her on Instagram. When I pushed the button ,,follow" my heart beated so fast. I threw my phone away and pulled the blanket over my head.

A minute later I got a follow, it was her. She followed me back. What sould I do now? Should I text her? I typed in a simply ,,hello" but was too afraid to send it. After a minute of thinking a message popped up on my screen. 

Danielle: Hi :))

I smiled as hard as a teen girl.

Stefania: Hello!*'3

Danielle: So you stalking me huh? 


Stefania: What? Noo I'm not. Plus you were the one who texted me first soo...

Danielle: Yeah cuz I saw you typing for a whole damn minute so I thought it would be easier if I just start you know...

Shit. Shit. I'm fucked.

Stefania: Okay, you got me.

Danielle: Haha I didn't actually see you typing, but you just admitted sooo... whatever, what are you up to?

Shit. Shit. Shit. I laughed when I realized what she did.

Stefania: Nothing just chilling. You?

Danielle: Meh same. Bored.

Stefania: That's bad.

Danielle: Well at this part you were supposed to invite me over for a drink, but it's fine :((

Haha she is funny...does she mean that or??

Stefania: Well...I guess I have no manners :((

Danielle: Hmm, yeah. Okay well then I have to do it. Do you want to come over for a drink?

OH MY GOD. I don't, but I can not say no. We just met. Or should I say no? FUCK.

Stefania: What about tomorrow? Today I'm really off the mood.

Danielle: Mhm I see you are afraid of me. It's okay, text me tomorrow when you are coming. XOXO

Stefania: No I am not afraid. We will be great friends, you said that yourself and I agree!! See you tomorrow!!

She left me seen. Why do I feel like this. I just met this girl and I'm already wanna get to know everything about her.  I was staring at my phone for an hour before I fell asleep with her on my mind.

R.P: Hey guys!!! This is a whole new story, I hope you will enjoy it. Be safe!!

Love Changed UsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora