Chapter 7

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Stefania's POV:

I woke up in our tent with Danielle's arm on my body. It felt weird to have her next to me. I slowly put her arm next to her body while I got up and tried not to wake her up. I unzipped our tent and walked outside to clear my head with some fresh air. Tears were running down on my cheeks while I sat down at a tree, which was a few steps away. I pressed my back to the hard trunk as I took some deep breaths. What did I do? I don't even know what am I feeling. It's so confusing. I let out a shaky sigh when Jay walked up to me. 

,,Stef! Good morning!" he said but his smile faded as soon as he saw my face. ,,Are you okay?" he asked as he knelt down next to me.

,,Yeah, I'm good!" I said as I faked a smile. ,,Can I ask you something?" I asked as I looked deeply into his eyes.

,,Yes. Anything." he nodded as he sat down too.

,,Have you ever had a relationship with any of your co-stars?" I whispered the question to make sure nobody hears it.

,,Well...once I have been in love with one. But it didn't end well..." he said as he frowned and looked at the ground.

,,Why?" I sniffed.

,,Because it's always messy. The fans, the producer, your other colleagues, all of it. The bosses fired us because we ,,badly influenced the reputation of the show" or what. But why are you asking?" he asked as he looked into my eyes and tilted his head.

,,No reason. I was just curious." I said as I quickly stood up. 

,,Okay...are you sure you are okay?" he asked as he straightened up too. But the look in his eyes told me he has a clue what's going on here so I nodded and walked away.

,,Mhm. Thank you Jay!" I shouted as I walked back to the tent.

The conversation with Jay made me realize that the thing that happened last night was a mistake. Danielle is really charming and I'm just confused. I was too weak, I collapsed by her touch but I won't let that happen again. Work is the most important thing in my life, that's  not gonna change. 

Danielle's POV:

I opened my eyes with a smile on my mouth. Last night made me sure that my feelings aren't platonic, I love her more than a friend and the way she kissed me gave me a reassurance. I was looking for Stefania but she was not here. I sat up when she grabbed the zipper and slipped the tent open. 

,,Hey! Where have you been?" I greeted her with a smile. But when she did not reciprocated it mine went away too. ,,What's wrong?" I frowned instead.

,,Nothing." she shook her head and sat down next to me and started digging in her bag. I wanted to touch her arm to make sure she is okay but she shivered by my touch and pulled her arm away.

,,Hey...Stefania, what happened?" I asked as I swallowed hard. Her callousness scared me.

,,I told you. Nothing." she said as she finally looked into my eyes but the look she gave me broke my heart. She looked at me like really nothing did happen. 

,,Oh. I see." I said as I bit my lips but tears filled my eyes. I giggled as I crawled out of the tent.

,,Wait Danielle!" she said  as she got out too. I did not stop. She grabbed my arm but now I was the one who pulled away.

,,No, it's okay. You don't have to say anything. Pack your things, we are leaving soon." I said as I walked up to Jaina's tent. 

Stefania's POV:

We are now sitting in her car while she is driving me home. I didn't want to hurt her feelings.

,,Danielle. I'm sorry." I said as I sighed.

,,Why are you sorry? There is nothing to be sorry about. I just thought I could trust you but I was wrong obviously." she said as she got faster. I grabbed my seat as I squeezed my eyes shut.

,,Stop it! Don't be childish! You can trust me." I tried to make sure she knows we are still friends. 

,,Am I childish? You kidding me, right?" she giggled as she stopped the car in front of my house.

,,Look, I don't want to make you feel bad. Last night I got confused. I was scared that if I'm not doing what I did you are going to-" I swallowed back my words before I said them.

,,Am I going to what? Kill myself?" she asked as she looked deeply into my eyes, her eyes were filled with pain. ,,Please get out of my car." she said as she looked away and stared out of the window.

,,No I-...I'm here. Just because I don't feel the same we are still friends." I said as I touched her arm but she pulled away.

,,If you wanted to make me feel miserable it worked. Sure, you only kissed me because you had to, to stop me from suicide and yes you only said you felt the same to make me feel happy. But don't you ever say that we are friends, because we are not and I would never trust you, you are a liar. And now please leave." she said as she started her engine to make sure I'm getting out of her car.

,,Good night. Thank you for the ride." I said as I closed her door. She drove away without saying anything.

My eyes were filled with tears. It hurted that she called me a liar. I'm not a liar. Or maybe I am? I don't know, but the sure thing is that we are still working together so I have to fix this before it's too late.

RP.: Hello guys! New chapter, I hope you like it!!! XOXO 

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