Chapter 17

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Danielle's POV:

I once again woke up in Stef's bed but when I turned around to snuggle her she wasn't there. I sat up and looked around in the room, it was filled with light from the sun but I didn't see her. I stood up and made the bed. I walked to her bathroom and brushed my teeth with my toothbrush which I now have here and washed my face with cold water to wake myself up. I slowly walked toward the kitchen but when I heard a man's voice added to Stefania's I frowned. I was on my tippy-toe behind the wall as I stared at the man's back. 

,,Why are you doing this?" I heard Stef's muffled crying voice but the guy covered her so I didn't see her face. ,,Why can't you just leave me alone?" she said again.

,,Because I want to fix this. I can't let you go. I still love you!" I heard Tony's voice. The anger filled my body. I wanted to grab his neck but I tried to be patient.

,,But Tony I don't feel the same, not anymore! Please just go away." Stef said as she grabbed his arm to pull him toward the door. He didn't move.

,,Why do you want me to leave so bad? Oh! Is she here? Is Danielle sleeping in our bed?" he asked as he pointed at her bedroom's door. Stefania shook her head quickly.

,,N-no. No she is not." she added.

,,Well I don't want to be so rude. I have to say hello to her!" he said as he walked to the bedroom door.

,,No, Tony please!" she begged him as her tears burned her face. I frowned but I thought the best choice now is to hide. I quickly ran into the chamber next to the kitchen.

,,Good morning!" I heard Tony's voice after he kicked open the bedroom door. I heard Stefania fell onto the ground on the corridor as she sobbed. ,,Oh. She is not here." Tony was surprised.

,,I told you!" Stef yelled at him. She is great actress even I couldn't hear the surprise in her voice. ,,Now get the fuck out of here!" she shouted. I peeked out to see her.

,,But baby you have no choice. I have something that you want, and you have something I want. We can make a trade." Tony grinned as he knelt down next to her. 

,,No. Never." Stef shook her head. He grabbed her face to force her to look into his eyes. At this point I almost got out of the chamber but I was curious what he meant, and what does she hide from me.

,,You have no choice." he repeated slowly as he kissed her cheek. ,,Call me if you decided. This day is still yours. Or I can call-" he added but Stefania cut into his words with a kiss.

It felt like someone pushed a knife through my heart. My stomach was in my throath. Why did she kissed him? Tears filled my eyes. It was a quick kiss but it felt like a decade.

,,Good girl." Tony said as he wiped Stef's tears. ,,Call me." he added as he stood up and walked out of the house. He started the engine, that's when I heard Stef calling my name.

Stefania's POV:

,,Danielle!" I yelled as I tried to stand up but it was hard since I was so defeated. I looked into my room, the bed was made and she was nowhere. I peeked into the bathroom it was empty but her toothbrush was wet. ,,Where are you?" I asked as I sniffled. She stepped out of the chamber with tears running down her cheek.

,,What was this?" she asked as she wiped her eyes. I walked to her and held her face between my palms but she stepped back.

,,Please-" I begged as I swallowed my tears.

,,Why did you kiss him?" she felt betrayed. 

,,I didn't want to-" I started.

,,I'm not dumb. I saw everything." she said as she walked into my room and grabbed her clothes and started to change.

,,Danielle, let me explain." I said with tears in my eyes.

,,Okay, go ahead." she said as she pulled her shirt over her head.

,,I-I can't." I broke down in tears. ,,I want to, but I can't." I remembered Tony's words.

,,Perfect." she wiped her eyes. ,,Bye." she said to me as she walked towards the front door.

,,Danielle please don't leave." I walked behind her as I grabbed her arm to stop her from leaving.

,,Then please explain me what the fuck was this?" she shouted at me but I could see the regret in her eyes. I tilted my head as I sligthly shook it as I looked at my feet. ,,I thought that you trust me." she said even more defeatedly than me.

,,I do trust you." I mumbled.

,,No, no you don't." she said but her voice break from crying. She closed the door behind her and left me alone with my thoughts. I pushed my back to the front door, slid down and bursted into tears.

Tony threatened me that if I tell anyone what he just told me he will make my life a living hell. And he can do that actually because last night I admittet him at the party that me and Danielle are dating and he said he will call our boss and tell her. I can't let that happen because it would end not just mine but Danielle's carrier too. We made a deal, I have to go a private party as her girlfriend so he could breg with me to his friends and if after that I still don't love him, he will leave me alone. But he said that I can't even tell Danielle. But I'm afraid this will ruin our relationship.


I tried to call Danielle and left her 34 texts but she doesn't answer me. It's almost 4pm and I still don't know what should I do. I want to discuss it with her because my choice affects both of us. So I quickly grab my car's keys and ran to my car. If she doesn't answer me through the phone I'm going to her house. I'm gripping the stirring-wheel hardly and thinking about what should I say to her. By the time I arrived I decided that I'm going to tell her everything, Tony wouldn't know. I got out of the car and knocked on her door. She opened it but when she saw that it's me she tries to close the door. I stop it with my hand.

,,Danielle. I'm telling you everything!" I said and she let go of the door.

,,Suddenly you do?" she said mockingly but let me in. 

,,Yes." I said. We both sat on her sofa. 

I told her everything that Tony said to me and she listened carefully. When I finished she looked away.

,,I don't know what to say." she started.

,,It's okay. I just wanted to ask you what should I do." I said.

,,Whatever you want to do." she added.

,,Don't be like this Danielle." I begged her as I tried to reach out for her hand but she pulled away.

,,What do you expect me to say? Oh yeah go out with your ex-husband and be her wife for one more night?" she asked me as she looked into my eyes.

,,No." I shook my head. ,,But what should I do then? Should I tell Krista that we are dating? What if she fires us?" I asked.

,,I don't know." she said as she shook her head with tears in her eyes.

,,Hey, it's okay. Don't cry." I tried to touch her but she pulled away again.

,,How is this okay? Your ex-husband threatening us. So you either go out and probably fuck him again or we lose our jobs. Which one should we do? I don't know. I don't!" she said in an upper voice as tears were running down on her face.

,,No. Look, if you don't want me to go out with him then I won't, because I'm yours. And I can tell Krista that I was the one who tried to seduce you adn then she would only punish me." I tried to calm her.

,,I can't let you take all the shit." she calmed down and after a minute of silence she said ,,I think you should go with him to that party. But don't get physical with him, that's all I ask." she looked into my eyes.

The second she said this Tony called me, I answered him as Danielle held my hand.


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