Chapter 5

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Danielle's POV:

This night was pretty weird. She flirted with me couple times but everytime I tried to flirt back she closed. I think she is scared because of the feeling she feels with me, which is the same as mine. But I'm not scared, I've had feelings for girls a few times, but it was never serious. This time it's different because I think it can be serious, if she feels the same way. This thought put me sleep. 

I woke up to my ringtone. I didn't even check who was it I just picked up the phone to mute the ringing. 

,,Yeah?" I said in the sleepiest voice in the Universe.

,,Ooh! Good morning Danielle." I heard Stefania's voice which was a lot fresher than mine.

,,Good morning, how can I help you?" I asked as I sat up.

,,You are late, aren't you? So basically I'm the one who is helping you right now. I'm parking in front of your house so see you in a minute honey!" she said as she hung up the phone.

I checked the time on my phone and it was 9.48am. We have to be in set in 12 miutes. Shit. I quickly ran to the bathroom brushed my teeth while I dressed up. I grabbed my shoes and ran out of the house. She was really there. She saved my ass. I opened the car door and hopped in. I put my foot into my shoe and tied it. 

,,Thank you. But how did you know I was asleep?" I asked as I slimmed down my very messy hair.

,,You are welcome, I just knew." she answered while she shrugged.

,,Okay. Not weird at all..." I whispered.

,,There is my bag, you can use my makeup if you want to." she offered as she pointed at her purse.

,,Thank you." I said this sentance the second time this day and we are only in the same car for 2 minutes. 

Stefania's POV:

I watched her as she used my mascara, blush and highlighter but when she reached out for the lipgloss I saw as she looked at me with a questionable face. I nodded to make sure she knows I'm okay with her lips touching my lipgloss. It gave me a weird feeling when she put the applicator up to her mouth. And when it touched her already pink lips, butterflies filled my stomach. I don't understand. I bit down on my lips as I tried to stop it. 

,,How do I look?" she asked as she was searching for my sight.

,,You look good." I said shortly without even looking at her. I saw from the corner of my eye that it hurt her. 

When I stopped the car in front of our trailer she gave me my bag and reached for the car door to get out of it. I grabbed her arm and looked at her. The look that she gave me made my heart sore. 

,,You look beautiful, Bella." I said to make sure her confidence is on top.

,,You too." she said with a weak smile. I let go off her arm and get out of the car. We both went in to our workplace with a smile in our faces.

Danielle's POV:

,,Action!" I heard our director's voice. We were shooting a risky vacation scene where we are on a bed and I'm on top of Stefania.

I kissed her neck while my hand was wandering around her chest. My left leg was between her legs and she was pressing her legs against mine. When my hand reached her neck I squeezed it a little bit which made her sigh as she tilted her head back for me so I could have more space. After that I started moving my leg up while she pushed up her hip so she could reach my thigh. I kissed her harder than ever before and I could tell by her body language that she enjoys it. When she started moving her hip my mind was blown. She literally was riding my leg while our lips were still connected. Her hands were grabbing into my hip and my side. 

,,Cut!" Shonda shouted. ,,Well done girls! Five minute break!" she said as she walked out of the room and the camera man followed her. We were alone.

I was still on top of her and her breating was heavy. I looked down into her eyes, her sight was filled with flames. Her lips were still parted from my kiss. She licked her lips and I noticed some lipgloss under her mouth. 

,,Wait, let me-" I said as I brought my hand up to her face and used my thumb to wipe the pink liquid off of her. ,,Some lipgloss." I said as I crawled off of her. 

I sat on the corner of the bed but she didn't move. I wanted to make sure she was okay so I turned my head and looked at her. She was staring at the ceiling.

,,Are you okay?" I aksed in a quite voice.

Stefania's POV:

,,Are you okay?" she asked me almost whispery. How could I be okay when she turned me on more than I've ever been turned on in my whole life. And it was only acting. What could she do with me if it was not.

,,Yeah...I'm just a bit tense." I said as I pressed my legs together to stop the throbbing.

,,It's okay, I am too." she said as she licked her lips while looking deeply into my eyes. ,,It's a natural reaction." she tried to make me comfortable.

,,I know but- I've never felt this way before...while shooting" I added the last part to make it sound less weird.

,,Well you haven't been with me...on screen." she used my technique and it made me blush. 

,,Okay people! Two minutes and we continue." Shonda said as she came inside the room. 

We both nodded and Dani stood up.

,,Coffee?" she asked with a smirk.

,,Yes, thank you." I said with a smile as I sat up.

Danielle's POV:

When shooting was over I chatted a little bit with my friends and when I saw that Stef headed home I quickly ran after her, because I wanted to make sure that she was comfortable today, after the scene we were shooting I saw some unsurance in her eyes and it made me a bit uncomfortable. I opened the door.

,,Stefania! Wait!" I said as I jogged to her. She stopped next to her car and looked back at me.

,,Danielle! Hi what's up?" she asked as she opened her car door and threw her bag inside.

,,I-i just wanted to ask you a question..." I started as I watched the grass under my shoes.

,,Yes I'll go on a date with you." she said ironically as she rolled her eyes. It made my blood froze. I looked into her eyes scared and she noticed it. ,,God! Chill, it was a joke." she said with a giggle.

,,Oh sure...I just want to make sure I did nothing that made you uncomfortable while we were shooting, because you can tell me if I did and I'd change it." I said as I looked into her eyes.

,,Bella, you did absolutely nothing that made me uncomfortable, believe me. But it is really cute of you that you asked, thank you." she said as she took a step closer, put her hands on my shoulder and gave a kiss on my cheek. ,,Good night, Danielle." she said as she ran her fingers through my hair and hopped into her car.

,,Good night." I said after a hard swallow. I was speechless.

,,Do you need a ride?" she asked before she started her engine.

,,No, thank you." I said with a fake smile. ,,Take care!" I said as I took a step back.

,,Bye Danielle." she said with a nod as she drove away.

I stood there for a whole minute before I could move. She kissed my cheek, I mean I kissed her before but this was different, it was real and it ruined me. I'm screwed.

RP: Hey! New chapter, I hope you liked it. XOXO

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