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Three months later...

"Dawson, what is taking so long for you to email me those charts?" My boss appears in the door of my office.

I stick my finger out and exaggerate as I click send on my computer. "They have just been sent," I push back in my desk chair and stand up, "I told you I would have them ready before the meeting."

I take my folder and walk past him, strutting in my three inch heels. John follows behind me. "I like you, Dawson, but you always test me," he grits out.

I smile at him, both of those things are clear to my knowledge. "I'm good at what I do, John. You don't have to stress over me."

He sighs and I shake my head. That man doesn't give himself a break. Today we are discussing changes that can be made when it comes to sales. I did the math, and I have made clear visuals of what the people want and what they would like to see in the future. John, who is over my department, is giving me the baton and letting me do the talking.

This will be a big step for me and my career here at WA Furnishing. That's why Nancy gives me cold eyes as I walk past her, I spin in my feet to  hold her gaze, giving her a sly grin.

"You two need to grow up," John grumbled.

"Maybe, but what would I do without this competition. That very look on her face-" I point over my shoulder "-is my motivation."

John pulls the glass door open and hold it open for me while his eyes roll. We greet everyone and make our way to our seats. I'm handed a cup of coffee, I thank Gabby, and review my bullet points and my charts. The big bosses themselves walk in the room and the air thickens. I sit up straight in my chair with a small smirk.

I'm finally in the room where it happens.

Burr wishes he could get like me


The meeting went beautifully. My plan is going to be sought out and I'm getting the credit.

"Good work, Dawson," John congratulated me in his own way.

"Thank you, thank you," I flip my wavy hair over my shoulder.

He blinks, not amused at all. "Just keep it up," he sighs.

I dig my teeth into my bottom lip to contain my excitement, because that is what I plan to do.

I drop my things off in my office then leave right back out and lock my door. Across from me is my work bestie, Charlotte. "Ready for lunch?" I poke my head in.

She has the phone to her ear and I hurry and cover my mouth. I wait till she is done, sitting in the chair across from her.

Eventually she hangs up the phone and sighs. "Everything good?" I ask.

"Yep, especially because it's time for lunch," she stands up with a smile, "and I heard the big news, I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks," I smile genuinely, "I was kind of nervous."

"Is that even in your vocabulary?" Char eyes me, walking a round her desk.

I laugh, thinking about how wrong she is. That's just called 'fake it till you make it'.

"Can you keep an ear out for me tomorrow? I have to go to the doctor," I say seriously.

"Sure," she catches her reflection in the elevator when the doors open for us. Her hands scrunch up her coily hair that is in a half up half down style. "Everything okay?"

I nod. "Yeah, just a check up."

"Oh, alright," she hums, "so where are we going?"

I wince. "Last time we did Chinese...want to walk to that burger place on the corner?"

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