Three Months

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My appointment was for eleven. I wake up for work at 7:30 every morning, to get the for nine.
That's been my sleeping schedule for some time now, so even when I have no alarm set, I find myself laying here.

I start moving around until I can't hold my urine. That right there, is the body's natural alarm. You only get up when you can't hold it no more.

I brush, do my curl routine and diffuse my black hair, leaving me with loose curls and waves. I leave my makeup alone for today cause I don't have work, and I go straight to getting dressed.

I wear some black jeans and a grey hoodie with some fashionable black boots.

What I'm really looking forward to is the cinnamon rolls in the fridge. I preheat my oven and get my baking pan and lay out the foil.

The fun part, I think, is opening the can. I peel the paper off and pop it open, it's so satisfying to me. There is eight of them and I space them out evenly and set the icing on the counter, to the side.

While I wait, I lay on the couch and when they are done, I dig in.

"Crap," I see the time and I need to be getting out of here, traffic is bad.

I take and ice the two left on the pan. One I put to hold in my mouth, I hold the other in my hand. I take my phone and keys and lock up my apartment.

I end up up hurrying to check in, I tell the welcoming lady my name and date of birth before she tells me to have a seat.

The clinic is full of women, some sit with their husbands I suppose, and some older teen girls. I sit by myself, pushed off in a corner.

"Last name Callaghan?" A nurse finally calls me. And I stand up and approach her.

"Hi, how are you," she smiles.

"I'm doing fine, and you?"

"Good, the office isn't too busy," she laughs, "you'll be in this room right here."

I walk inside and sit on the chair that sits up. "Can you tell me what brought you here today?" The nurse looks at me.

"Uh, I came to get checked," my hand gestures to my area down there, "my periods kind of fell off. I've had discharge, and spotting, I was waiting for it to be normal the last time cause I know sometimes the schedule changes, but I haven't gotten back to my normal flow."

The nurse nods, writing my words down. "Alrighty, we're going to run some tests. The doctor will also be into see you and get you taken care of," she smiles reassuringly, even though I looked concerned about my situation. "We will need a urine sample from you too. You can go ahead and take care of that, I will show you where the restroom is."

I get up to follow her, the bathroom isn't far, I take the cup from her and lock myself inside. I hover over the toilet and empty myself into the container.

Washing my hands and wrapping the cup in napkins, I return to my room where the nurse is waiting to take my temperature and blood pressure and all that regular stuff. Another man comes in and takes my urine and runs off with it. My blood pressure is normal, my temperature is a little high, but I feel completely fine. The scales says I have picked up in my weight, which is true, I just don't understand how. Maybe I need to stop going out for lunch and just bring a salad.

I sit back down and swing my legs on the chair. "We're going to take some blood if you don't mind. Then the doctor will come and perform a Pap smear."

I wince, I hate those. But if it must be done then it is what it is. I watch the dark red liquid flow though the tubes. The nurse wraps and bandages my arm and I'm left alone in the room.

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