Just Friends

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"Wait, so...you're mad at him?" Char asked in confusion.

I rubbed my baggy eyes. I was lying my ass off, fighting for my life to make sure they added up. "Only because I'm so lost. I was supposed to be mad at him, then the kiss happened-"

"Since when we're you scared to confront people?" She snorts.

"Since I started having a crush on a guy..." I groan.

She shrugs. "Not buying it."

"The guy being my baby's father, so I just want us to be able to work together and not make things messy. The baby-"

"The baby is loved by the both of you," she smiles tightly, explaining like I'm a child, "both of you are too old to let something as small as catching feelings get in the way of raising a kid. He either feels the same or he doesn't. If it doesn't work out, than it doesn't work out."

Charlotte tosses a fry in her mouth with one hand on the steering wheel. We're on our way back to the office with our lunch.

I let out a loud yawn. "And why does it look like you've pulled two all nighters in a row?"

"The cabin's bed was so comfortable that I struggled to sleep in my own," I say. My phone vibrates in my back lap.

It's Warren again.

"Should I go out to dinner with Thomas?" I look at her.

"Don't break his heart, Dawson," she warns.

"I do like him," I swear.

She blinks slowly, pursing her lips. "Honey, you like Warren. And you're trying to get over him by entertaining yourself with someone else."

"What if I can grow to like him more than I like Warren? Plus, sometimes you just have to choose better for yourself. And I think Tommy is the better guy..."

She sighs through her nose. "What makes Warren a bad guy?"

"He has things he needs to work on- communication, acknowledging his feelings-"

"You said him or you?" She acts like she misheard, pointing a finger at me.

I show her my middle finger and she leans forward as she cackles. "Cause I swear that sounds like you."

"I hate you," I smile.

"All that means is you like the idea of Thomas. He portrays himself as a put together man with no issues," she says genuinely. "You just don't like that a man with issues is your type, and getting with Tommy is what you think is right."

"Tommy is what everyone wants in a man," I shake my head in disagreement.

She hums, admitting I'm right. "But Warren has what Dawson wants in a man...why do you like him anyway? He seems so...stoic."

"He is," I say, "but underneath that he has an actual personality. He's a gentleman, he listens, he looks out for me. And he's always worried about the baby. He doesn't want me to do anything that will stress me out, he makes sure I eat and follow the doctors orders. He's been great through this whole thing...," then my slight smile goes away, "but then that's why I'm not sure if he feels the same."

"You think he does these things because of the baby," she frowns.

I nod. Cause after the baby comes and I'm back to my regular self, Warren might back away. He could just be doing what he needs to do to make sure the baby comes into the world happy and healthy.

"I still think the best way is to ask him," she mumbled sadly but hopefully, "and ignoring him isn't doing a thing but stressing both of you out, cause, boy, is he blowing your phone up."

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