Gold and White

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The night was going by fast. My smile had yet to fade away.

I met all of the De Santis siblings. Now I could list them all. Warren, Dante, Philip, Jude, and the twins, Olivia and Octavia.

Dante still didn't have much to say to me. Octavia and Philip were similar when it came to being stylish and fashionable. They seemed to be very close. The only difference was Philip was flashy with a cocky, model-like persona, Octavia was more of the chill, laid back, skater type. She dressed formally, but still let her street-wear style show with a graphic tee under her blazer. Philip wore a blinding white tux with a white bow tie.

Jude seemed to be the softest of the siblings. He sat quietly and didn't indulge in conversation with me until I spoke to him. With his thick glasses and fresh stubble, and beige sweater vest, I found him really adorable.

Just like I wanted, fun games and activities were set up.

We teamed up boys vs girls. Anyone who thought I was having a girl was on one team, if they thought I was having a boy, they were on my team.

I had to beg Warren to play at least one game. Other than that he sat at the bar with Danny.

My competitive side was showing and I was loosing my class. We had to make a list of baby stuff going by the alphabet and when we won, I stood up, throwing my hands up with a disturbing 'yeah, baby, that's what I'm talkin' about!' I accidentally knocked my chair back and made it fall over.

It scared the shit out of Warren because he thought I fell. I apologized, sheepishly covering my mouth with my finger tips. After that, we, and I mean Olivia, who was our referee, agreed to take a small break.

So instead, we tallied the results of some superstitions, performing some old wives' tales. In the end, we tallied the results from each of them. Out of the twelve tales, seven came back saying a boy, the rest predicted a girl.

I sat at the table with all of my friends and a cold bottle of Root Beer that played as a beer bottle.

"You and Warren look to be getting closer," Remi said. Ethan held her hand on top the table.

"Why do you say that?" I put my drink down. Warren and I hadn't interacted all night, only when we went against each other in darts. He won.

"He hasn't taken his eyes off you all night," she says. Char nods in agreement.

Tommy looks at me accusingly. "That's what I'm saying, you sure you two never had any kind of romantic relationship?"

"Last I checked," I scoffed.

Charlotte sucked in a sharp breath, we all looked at her. "Want to come with me to get another drink? Remi, Ethan?"

"You glass is full," I mutter in confusion.

"Remi's isn't," she blurts while she stands up, "Ethan looks like he needs something stronger."

Remi's mouth form an 'oh', she pulls Ethan up and they all leave, now it's just me and Tommy. After what he just asked, I sit there and drum my fingers on the table. Then I fix my dress around my breasts, pulling it up but it wasn't even close to slipping.

"Go out with me, Sonny," Tommy blurts.

"Pardon?" I lift my brows, biting my lip.

He laughs. "I would like to take you out to dinner...if that's alright with you..."

"Like a date? Are you sure?"

"Yes...if that's okay with Warren," he teases. I feel like he really isn't joking.

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