Go Away

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Forgive me!! Please!! It's been a lot. Surgery, catching up on the school I missed, finals, college applications, sports...life has just been busy. I'm going to try to do better. One thing I have done is made a lot of plans for this book, there has also been some inspiration for the storyline. So the writing might come a little faster I hope. Again, I appreciate the love on my first book, you all are amazing for sticking around!!!

"He stopped taking his medicine," Anthony breaks the news to me. I lean against the wall across from my father's bedroom.

That, I already guessed. The doctor explained before that if the medicine was any help, my dad wouldn't feel the need to take it.

"So what do we do?"

Anthony and I began to walk to the distressed living room. "What do you think? More meetings again?"

I don't answer, instead I push old newspapers and an empty bottle over to one end of the sofa.

The times my father has relapsed are way too many to count. He's tried to stop on his own several times, that didn't work. We were able to get him to go to meetings and stay clean for a year...then he relapsed. On top of all of that he was struggling with his grief and depression. And by the looks of it, he's found medication that worked for him. But if it wasn't one, it was the other.

"I...I think it's time to try something else..." I mumble.

"What do you mean?"

"He can't keep doing this. He'll end up on some transplant list if he does," I throw my hands out. "Dad...needs to go away..."

"I thought you didn't like those places?" Anthony walks the floor. "How do we even get him to do that? He doesn't even have the energy to shower or brush."

"We've tried everything," I look away from him, "if we find a good place, one that won't feel like a jail, it may help."

"So we just start looking?" He asks.

"I guess..." I answer reluctantly, "and we talk it over with Cole."

"Of course," Anthony nods.

"I can stay with him so you can get back home," I clear my throat before I stand up.

"No. What's his name, Levi? He's waiting outside for you."

"Right..." I murmur. "Just call me if you need me."

"I will," he takes my hand to walk me to the door. After helping me down the steps, he hands me off to Levi.

"Make sure she gets inside safe," Anthony tells him. Little does he know, that's the reason we've been stuck with each other.

Levi's frowned looking at the sadness on my face. He held my hand and helped me sit down into the low car. He shut the door and I let it all out.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong? What happened?"

Out of embarrassment, I cover the stream of tears. "It's-it's just I feel like this could've been prevented," I whine, hoping he can understand a word I'm saying. "We stopped checking on him, we stopped asking about his medication, calling ourselves giving him space! Th-then I couldn't even visit him like I usually do because I'm the size of a cow and I can't even drive comfortably and I'm always sleeping. Warren even offers to drive but I tell him no because I can see he is tired when he comes home. My work is piling up, and I just feel like I'm getting left behind cause I can't keep up with anything anymore. And it's just so much."

Levi begins to reach out for me but his hands just float in the air as he searches for the right words. He takes that same hand and hooks it in his neck. "You...aren't the size of a cow, Sonny..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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