Chapter 4 ~ Change of Classes

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song: nocturne op. 9 no. 2

adrien pov

It's currently 7:30, and me and Felix are on our way to school. We've grown closer because of Felix finding out that I was Chat Noir, and honestly, I've never felt better. Now I have someone looking out for me who isn't Plagg.

We both get out of the car and surprisingly, Principal Damocles is at the front of the school. Normally, he just stays in his office. "Ah! Just who I was looking for." he says as he heads straight towards us. "Felix and Adrien please come with me." We exchange confused looks with eachother, but follow.

"Felix, your father has had it recommended that we switch you to Adrien's classes."

"What?!" he yells. "I'm not sure, it's just what he told me to do." he raises his hands in defeat. "And, by law, when a parent requests a schedule change for their child, we must honor their decision." I look over at Felix to see his fists balled up on his sides, looking down, like he's almost going to cry. The bell rings and Principal Damocles sighs. "Well, Adrien, please show Felix to your classes."

Me and Felix walk out, and Felix puts his hands to his face. "I know Felix, it's going to be okay." He sniffles and nods. He's not crying, but he's just sniffling a lot. I know he had a few friends in his old classes, some that took time to trust. I think he's trying to go back to being his serious self, because his hands are behind his back and he's trying to regain his composure. We walk into the classroom only to see another fight going down.

I sit down, knowing what's going on but ignore it. I was told it was for my own good to ignore it, and I'm staying with that conscience. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" Felix tosses his bag down onto his seat and goes up the small flight of stairs to confront the attackers. Lila is crying her usual crocodile tears, and Kim is next to her, trying to comfort the liar. Marinette is on the ground getting kicked by Alya. They used to be best friends, but now their not. Nino wouldnt tell me why.

I hear a crack and quickly turn my head. Marinette is behind Felix, being shielded by his arm. Felix had just punched Kim in the face. "Now I suggest that you get some face makeup for that bruise of yours from Lila. She's got enough, I bet. Anyone say ANYTHING to Mme. Bustier and it's over."

He came back down grabbing his bag and went to go sit with Marinette. He texted me about a minute later saying: " I hope you don't mind. She really needs some help right now." I smiled softly and said: "Okay :)".

<time skip: after class>

Everyone is giving Felix dirty looks as he walks with Marinette. I don't see what they think is such an issue. I happen to think they are cute together, but I think Felix would hate if I said that out loud. I follow them with a smile on my face. At least Felix found someone to be friends with.

"Felix!" He peels his eyes away from Marinette and gives me a questioning look. "We have orchestra next." He nods in agreement while Marinette gasps. "We have orchestra at this school?! Since when?" she seems amazed.

"Do you play any orchestral instruments?" I ask. I never knew that much about Marinette. "No I dont, but I never knew we had orchestra-" She laughs and tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. "Well, I've got detention for the rest of the day plus 30 minutes after all classes end, so I'll see you guys later." She walks off back towards Mme. Bustier's class.

"Well, shall we?" Felix holds out his hand, like we used to do when we were kids. "We shall." I take it and we do our handshake. We both laugh and head to the orchestra room, where I think Felix will find more comfort than he thinks.

(a/n: THANK YOU GUYS SO MICH FOR THE PATIENCE OF THIS STORY! IM WORKING ON CHAPTER 5 RIGHT NOW SO MAYBE EXPECT THAT TOMORROW? being an orchestra kid writing this makes me feel wierd- i've never felt that way about orchestra honestly i kinda just wanted to leave the whole time

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