Lucifer Spoils You

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Author's Note:
During season 5 episode of Hammers of the gods

After learning of my father was coming to this weird hotel in Muncie, Indiana, we found out that we we're kidnapped by Gods. I was starting to get annoyed since their only option was let's kill the devil's daughter, that being me. That's when Uncle Gabriel came in.

"Look let me address the elephant in the room and no it's not you." Gabriel stated looking at one of the Gods.
"And why should we listen to you Loki?" The lady known as Kali asked.
"Because I've dealt with those ass hats more times than you know. I know them. Let me just say that trying to kill Lucifer's Daughter here is the biggest mistake you can make." Gabriel stated.
"And why's that?" Kali asked.
"Because he been locked away since he found out he's a father. She is the only one who can stop it all and killing her is only going to make things worse. He'll turn you all to finger paint." Gabriel added.
"He's right." Dean spoke up.
"He's told us. I would listen to him." Sam added.
"Yeah. Killing me isn't going to solve anything. If I was you right now, I would leave." I chuckled as I sat on top of table in front of Dean and Sam.
"Why should we listen to you?" Kali growled.
"He's coming here." Gabriel added. After a little bit Kali found out that the one they call Loki is actually Gabriel. She used a fake Archangel blade and stabbed him. After a little bit Dean found Gabriel hiding in the back of his impala and I went out and talk to him.

We came up with a plan. Dad showed up and was demanding them to tell him where I was.

"Where is she? She's here I know it." Dad yelled. Next thing I hear is a thud.
"Luci, I'm home." Gabriel added.
"Gabriel, where is she?" Dad demanded.
"Y/n, come on out." Gabriel yelled and I walked out from where I was hiding. I walked up to the boys and looked at my father. He was covered in blood.
"Boys get her out of here." Gabriel yelled talking about Kali. Dean grabbed my arm and looked at me.
"I'll call you later. Go." I demanded as I looked at him. He nodded and I kissed him before he and Sam left. I then walked up beside Gabriel and looked at my father.

"There she is." Dad chuckled.
"Hi dad." I stated with a smile.
"Come here." He reached his hand out.
"Wait. Don't you want to clean up?" Gabriel added grabbing my wrist.
"Oh right." Dad sighed and then snapped his fingers. The blood was gone. Gabriel let go and I walked over towards my father. He hugged me and next thing I notice was dad snapped his fingers and my normal plaid shirt and jeans turned into a f/c dress with sleeves that hanged off the shoulders, and the dress ended before my knees. My boots turned into heels and I looked down at my outfit.
"Now you look like Royalty " Dad chuckled.
"I have to agree." Gabriel stated with a smile.
"Wow-I uh don't know what to say." I mumbled.
"I do." Dad stated as he snapped his fingers. Soon food showed up on the tables that once was filled with human heads and parts. It was pies, steaks, any alcohol and food you could think of.
"Wow." I exclaimed in shock.
"No you can have a real meal. Not those left-over humans." Dad stated with a smile as he looked at me.
"Thanks, Dad." I stated with a smile.
"You welcome my little angel. Enjoy." Dad chuckled. After I ate a steak and some other foods, I then had a couple of drinks. After a couple of hours of Dad spoiling me and getting to know each other, I called Dean. He told me that him and his brother was in a nearby hotel and I snapped my fingers heading to him. I knocked on his and Sam's hotel room's door.

"It's me. Open up." I yelled as the door soon opened up. I walked into the room taking in the color of the room. The beds had a yellow comforter and white sheets, the walls where painted a pale grey, and the floor was a charcoal grey carpet.
"What happened to you?" Sam asked.
"Well Dad wanted to spoil me. So come on, go on with the jokes." I sighed turning around looking at the boys.
"No, it's just unnatural." Sam stated.
"I think you look cute." Dean chuckled.
"Well thanks. Lucifer wants to spoil me." I giggled.

"You are his daughter." Dean chuckled walking up to me.
"Well he did teach me how to get my powers stronger." I chuckled.
"Anything else, besides the dress and shoes?" Dean asked.
"Oh, I don't know, a necklace, a dinner with deserts." I chuckled placing my hand on Dean's chest.
"And?" He asked.
"A moment with you." I chuckled as I leaned in a kissed Dean.
"Umm, you guys." Sam Interrupted.
"Hmm." I hummed letting off Dean's lips.
"Hey sweety." Dad's voice came from the door. I turned around and saw him.

"Hi dad. I sighed.

Supernatural: Lucifer's Daughter: OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now