Kidnapped by Asmodeus: Part 2

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Back with Y/n...

Y/n was sitting in the same room as before and for the past 30 minutes she has been singing Tick-Tock by Kesha trying to annoy the demons the best way her father had taught her.
"Come on! We both know very well your tired of my singing. So let's just talk, how about that?" Y/n yelled looking at the demons who was watching her.

"Is this the real way to treat Hell's Princess! I deserve the Royal treatment!" Y/n laughed.
"Will she stop." One of the demons mumbled to the other.
"I'm sorry, but no. Now, we both know that when Dad gets here that if I just scream he'll be so pissed and he'll tear down Hell's walls!" Y/n rambled while moving her hands.
"She's just like him." The second demon sighed.
"Don't ignore me, now. Come on, pay attention to me, I'm bored!" Y/n yelled rolling her head back.
"We know, your Highness." One of the demons sighed.
"Oh and now it's your Highness. Oh... I knew I didn't like you Devin and you Trish... You two face bitches." Y/n growled.
"Wow." The demon sighed.
"You get use to it. She's like a teenager." The second demon sighed.
"Shut it, Devin!" Y/n yelled.
"Great." The first demon sighed.
"Okay. Back to singing." Y/n sighed getting the words in her head. She then started singing again.

"Here take a break. You guys deserve it." Asmodeus stated walking into the room with the angel blade. The demons nodded and quickly left.
"Hey, there. I've been keeping your little pets entertained." Y/n laughed.
"Oh, I know. For the past hour you've been rambling, yelling, and singing." Asmodeus stated walking into the room.
"Did you like my singing?" Y/n asked.
"It was quite different." Asmodeus chuckled.
"Awww. How kind." Y/n stated sarcastically.
"Now, it's time for us to have a little bit more fun." Asmodeus stated holding the blade down on Y/n's right shoulder.
"Ohh. Watcha going to do?" Y/n taunted.
"You'll see." Asmodeus stated sliding the blade into her skin and pulling it straight down her shoulder. Y/n let out a few grunts as the burning sensation continued.
"Wow. It's not as bad as you made it sound." Y/n laughed through the pain.
"Who said I was done." Asmodeus stated moving the blade down away from her shoulders.
"Ahhh! I'm so scared. Come on, your tricks can't scare me." Y/n stated sarcastically as her blood dripped down her arm still having that same burning sensation.
"Really well you'll love what I have planned." Asmodeus chuckled as he back handed Y/n. He then grabbed the angel blade and stuck it into Y/n shoulder making her scream in pain as her blood dripped down her shoulder. He twisted it making her grunt in pain. He then pulled the blade out letting the blood fall down her shoulder. Some of her blood absorbed into her tank top causing it to turn red.
"Wow. That's it." She laughed.
"Hush now." Asmodeus growled taking the blade and shoving it into her left knee. She screamed through her teeth trying to fight the pain. She started breathing hard glaring at Asmodeus.
"Your so dead." She growled as Asmodeus punched Y/n knocking her backwards and onto the ground. He then walked up to her and kicked her in the stomach making her spit up blood. He then pulled her up sitting her back up. He pulled the angel blade out making her wound open up and blood pour out and onto her jeans. He then took the blade and slide it down against the side of her throat letting the blade make the same sizzling pain as he held her neck tightly in his other hand. She screamed shutting her eyes trying to get past the pain. He then took the blade to the wound on her left leg and slid it up making it larger causing her to scream. He then took the blade and shoved it into her stomach.

She screamed in pain as he twisted it making it twist her insides. Her screams continued as the wound burned on the inside. Asmodeus smiled at his handy work knowing that Y/n isn't laughing anymore. He removed his hand off the blade and watched as Y/n dropped her head down trying to breath past the pain. Soon a demon came running down Hell's hallway to the room where Asmodeus was in.
"Umm sir we have a—" The demon stated as a blade went through his head killing him. Y/n slowly looked up and smiled seeing Gabriel and Lucifer.
"Gabriel thr Archangel and Lord Lucifer." Asmodeus chuckled turning around looking at Gabriel and Lucifer.
"Step away from my neice." Gabriel demanded.
"Step away from my daughter, Asmodeus." Lucifer growled.
"Sure. If you say so, but how about we have a little bit of fun, first." Asmodeus chuckled snapping his fingers. They appeared in a new room. Y/n looked up to see a cage down below and to see her Unlce and her father in the cage with Asmodeus.
"What the hell are we doing?" Gabriel demanded.
"Well you see, since you two are known for having fun. Why not have a little showdown. You win against them. Then you'll move on to the challenger." Asmodeus stated with a smile.
"Fine. If that all it takes and then I get my daughter back, sounds good to me." Lucifer growled flashing his red eyes.
"Okay. Have fun." Asmodeus stated snapping his fingers and appearing beside Y/n.

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