Babysitted by the Winchesters: Part 2

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Once they got to the bunker, Y/n woke up. Dean, Sam and Cas got out of the impala and before Dean could grab the keys, the doors of the Impala slammed shut, locking up. The boys looked at one another noticing the car was locked.

"Did we just lock Lucifer's Daughter in the impala?" Sam questioned nervously.
"I think so." Dean chuckled nervously.
"Oh god!" Sam stated tensing up.
"Cas can't you just pop on in there and get her out?" Dean asked panicking a bit.
"No because I can't. " Cas sighed.
"Why?" Dean asked.
"Because if she's on alert or is trying to harm us then if I do pop in there I might ended up making her get hurt." Cas stated.
"Just great." Dean sighed.
"Okay, well what are we going to do?" Sam questioned.
"I don't know." Dean sighed.
"We could break the window." Sam stated while shrugging his shoulders.
"Are you crazy?! We can't break the windows on the car!" Dean yelled making Y/n laugh.
"Why not?" Cas asked.
"Becuase!" Dean yelled.
"Because it could damage your car." Sam stated.
"Yes, but it could harm her as well!" Dean yelled as he heard the car doors unlock.
"Okay. I think it's better know." Sam stated walking towards the door about to open it when it quickly lock as the ten year old laughed.

"I thinks she messing with us!" Sam stated rolling his eyes as she unlockedthe door again. Dean went to grab the door when the little Archangel snapped her fingers locking the doors back up again.
"It makes since!" Dean growled.
"What do you mean?" Sam asked.
"Well she did say she sorta hunt's with Gabriel. Maybe it's like a code word for tricking! She gave me a pie which had sour cream as a topping." Dean added.
"That makes since. The salt water in the beer bottle." Sam added.
"She was playing tricks just like Gabriel." Dean rolled his eyes as Y/n laughed at their anger.
"What should we do then?" Sam asked Dean.
"Here let me try something." Dean stated taking a step toward the impala.
"What are you going to do?" Sam asked.
"I'm gonna lure her out." Dean chuckled.
"Okay." Sam sighed watching his older brother.
"Y/n, why don't you come on out of their." Dean stated with a smile.
"No!" Y/n giggled.
"If you do, I'll give you pie!" Dean stated with a smile. Y/n thought for a moment and then looked back at the two. She gave them a look that said, are you two stupid.
"I think she didn't like that." Sam stated.
"Well it was worth a try. We could try calling Rowena?" Dean stated with a smile.
"How's that going to help?" Sam asked as the Impala's door unlocked and quickly locked back up, again.
"Maybe she knows a thing or two to get a child to stop tricking us." Dean stated.
"Fine. I'll call her." Sam stated pulling his phone out. Sam scrolled through his phone going to his contacts. He quickly went down to Rowena's name and clicked on it. Soon his phone started ringing.

A click noise got his attention.
"Hi Sameul. What do you need?" Rowena's voice asked through the phone.
"Did you know Lucifer has a daughter?" Sam asked.
"It doesn't surprise me, but why's this important?" Rowena asked.
"Because she's in Dean's car and keeps locking the doors." Sam growled.
"Okay, and where his keys?" Rowena asked.
"In the car." Sam sighed.
"I see. She's playing games with you. May I asked does she have a family member who likes to play tricks on people?" Rowena asked.
"Yeah. Gabriel." Sam sighed.
"Gabriel should be your answer then, Samuel." Rowena stated with a smile making Y/n look at Sam.
"Hold on. Say Gabriel one more time?" Sam asked putting his phone on speaker.
"Okay. Gabriel." Rowena sighed making Y/n perk up in excitement.
"It did something." Dean stated.
"It did! She stopped locking the door and looked at us." Sam stated looking at Y/n in the car as she smiled. She then locked the doors back.
"Okay. What's her name?" Rowena asked.
"Y/n." Dean sighed.
"Okay. Y/n can you here me?" Rowena said over the phone.
"Yeah!" Y/n giggled.
"Okay. Do you miss, Gabriel?" Rowena asked.
"Yeah! He's my uncle!" She giggled.
"Do you wish he was there?" Rowena asked making Y/n nod her head yes.
"She nodded her head yes." Sam spoke up.
"Okay, then. That's your answer. Listen to the child." Rowena stated.
"Thanks Rowena." Sam sighed.
"No problem Samuel." Rowena stated as she hanged up. Sam then put his phone away.
"So. What should we do?" Dean asked.
"Rowena suggested that we need Gabriel here." Sam sighed.
"Okay. Then whose gonna call him?" Cas asked.
"I guess I will." Sam stated annoyed.
"Okay." Dean sighed.
"Gabriel, we need you here. There's someone here that needs to talk to you it's important." Sam sighed as he prayed to the Archangel, Gabriel, making Y/n smile and look out the window. Passed the three boys.

"Hey, which one of you called me?" Gabriel voice stated from behind Sam and Dean. They turned around and then looked at Gabriel.
"I did." Sam added.
"Why?" He asked.
"Because of—" Sam begin to say when Gabriel notice his niece locked in the Impala.
"Why's my niece locked in your car?" Gabriel asked as he notice his niece start jumping in excitement.
"She locked herself in their." Dean sighed.
"With your keys, too. Huh." Gabriel smirked.
"Yeah." Dean rolled his eyes.
"That's my little trickster." Gabriel laughed.
"Your appraising her!" Dean questioned.
"Yeah. Now move." Gabriel chuckled walking towards Dean's car.
"Uncle Gabe!" Y/n cheered as she unlocked the door and came out. She then ran out and Gabriel picked her up.
"Hey their, little trickster! I've notice your getting bigger!" Gabriel chuckled.
"Yeah! I missed you!" Y/n chuckled hugging him around the neck.
"I would feel the same way you do, if I was around these three mutton heads for a day." Gabriel chuckled.
"Really?!" Dean questioned in annoyance.
"Hellz Yeah." Gabriel chuckled putting Y/n down.
"So Lucifer told us that he tried calling you and you didn't answer." Dean stated.
"Yeah. I was with a girl." Gabriel chuckled.
"And why didn't you call back?" Sam asked.
"I heard his voice mail and he knows me." Gabriel chuckled as Y/n pulled on his jacket sleeve.
"Gabe, can I have a sucker!" Y/n asked with excitement.
"Of course. Sorry, little tricker that I didn't come sooner. I bet you miss your old man, huh." Gabriel stated as he got down on one knee. He then snapped his finger and gave Y/n a sucker. She took it and popped it into her mouth.
"Yeah." Y/n sighed.
"Now we can go trick some poor souls just like your mother use to do." Gabriel chuckled making Y/n perk up with joy.
"Yeah!" Y/n giggled.
"Umm, Gabriel." Sam stated.
"Yeah. What is it?" Gabriel asked standing up.
"Umm, well how long have you know that Lucifer has a kid?" Sam asked.
"Before he did." Gabriel chuckled.
"Really?" Cas questioned.
"Oh yeah, Y/n's Mom, Y/m/n, she was a huge trickster. Even I taught her a couple tricks myself, but she fell in love with my bro. She actually got Lucifer to calm down when he held the Mark of Cain and then they started going to earth and messing with people. That's was their dates. Young and in love, my friends. Then they got married." Gabriel stated placing his hand on Y/n's head.
"Lucifer got married?" Dean questioned.
"Yeah. Two years of Marrige, and two years of Michael complaining and being jealous. Y/m/n was going to tell Lucifer about her being pregnant, but that's when Michael betrayed him. After my brother was sent to Hell, that's when Y/m/n came and told me. I helped her get my brother out. I helped them raise Y/n." Gabriel chuckled with a smile.
"What happened to her?" Sam asked.
"Y/m/n, she tried to stop the conflict. Five years ago. She got in Michael's way, and he killed her. Thanks goodness Y/n was already born, but it broke her heart knowing that one of her own Uncles could kill her family. Ever since Y/m/n's death we kept Hell's princess here, in witness protection for her own safety. Even Lucifer doesn't want Micheal near his kid, and I don't blame him." Gabriel stated with a sigh.
"That's what happened to Y/m/n!" Castiel exclaimed.
"You know Y/m/n, Cas?" Dean asked.
"Yeah, she was God's assistance until she disappeared." Cas stated.
"Sweetiest, but the funnest Angel to be around." Gabriel chuckled.
"Yeah! Mommy was the greatest! She taught me how to trick people! She even taught me how to control my powers!" Y/n giggled.
"See. Y/n lost her mom over five years ago. She was the one who took Y/n out away from Hell when Lucifer took care of business. You understand, right!" Gabriel stated with a smile.
"Yeah. We understand." Sam nodded.
"Good. Now I've got to get this little one to bed. We've got a big day tomorrow. Right, Y/n." Gabriel chuckled looking at his niece.
"Yeah." She yawned.
"Okay. Well see you ass clowns!" Gabriel chuckled picking Y/n up.
"See yeah, Gabriel." Sam and Dean chuckled.

Soon Gabriel showed up at his place and went and put his neice to sleep in her bedroom. He kissed her on the forehead, and he turned off the lights, turned her fan and night light on, and let her drift off to sleep.

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