Escaping Heaven

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Author's Note:
Not in a specific season, but takes place in the bunker.

I was sitting in my normal cell in Heaven when I heard one of the Angel's come walking towards my cell. I felt that normal sense of fear and I pulled my archangel blade out. I sat up and waited for the angel to show up. My door cell opened and the angel looked at me.
"Come on, it's time." The angel spoke with a menacing smile.
"I don't think so." I growled flashing my blue archangel eyes and tightening my grip on my blade.
"Oh stop complaining, you devil." The angel complained making me stand up.
"I'm an angel you ass. Lucifer's Daughter, get it right!" I growled standing up and slamming my blade in the Angel's throat. The angel gasped for air as I pulled my blade out. He was gargling on his own blood and I watched a little. I quickly shoved him into the cell and I took off running. I ran down Heaven's halls as the alarm started blaring. Panic consumed me and made me take off running. My right foot was in pain, but I ran to avoid him. I kept running until a wall beside me exploded making me trip over my own feet. I hit the ground hard and quickly looked back to see him.

"Y/n stop running from me." God growled.
"No." I mumbled.
"You can't run away from you Grand dad forever." God spoke taking a step towards me. I jumped up and slammed him into Heaven's wall with my powers. I took off, not looking back. My wounds from yesterday started to re-open. I could feel my blood falling down my face, my arms, down my chest, my back, and my legs. Next thing I notice was God or more less known as Chuck was right in front of me. I went to turn around when two arms grabbed me.
"Leave me alone." I growled.
"Come on. You don't have to rebel like your father did." Chuck complained.
"He was right about you." I growled.
"Oh come on. After 20 years you would rather rebel instead of obey!" Chuck growled.
"Yeah." I stammered out as I snapped my fingers killing the three angels that held me. I then quickly turned around and ran. I was getting closer and closer to Heaven's gate.

"Y/n!" Chuck's voice growled from behind me. I grabbed the door handle and yanked it opened. I looked back as I ended up tripping over my own foot I fell through the gate and rolled out onto earth. I notice how I was on a playground surrounded by a forest. I immediately got up and started running. I didn't care where Chuck was at. I had to run. My foot started to give out causing me to fall and roll onto the ground. Scared out of my mind I got back up wishing for somewhere safe. I took off running again and soon my foot gave out completely making me fall and roll against the ground quickly which soon turned from rocks, sticks, and leaves to a hard type of ground. I breathed out in pain grabbing my foot. I finally looked up at where I was at. It was a type of library. I sighed hoping it was a safe place. I felt something cold in my hands and realized I still had my blade. I released my grip letting it make a noise as I grabbed my side in pain.

Next thing I heard was boot steps coming from the side of me. I quickly turned and grabbed my blade seeing a tall man with long, brown hair. He wore a green plaid shirt with a t-shirt underneath, and jeans. I got up even though my foot was killing me. He came into the room and noticed me.
"Woah, Woah, woah. Calm down. Let me help you." The man stated as he held his hands out. I growled and flashed my eyes and held my blade up.
"Stay back." I growled in fear.
"Dean! Get in here!" The man yelled starring at me. I tighten my grip on the handle of my blade and stared at the man.

"Dean!" The man yelled again. Soon a short man with brown hair walked into the room. He had emerald green eyes, wore a similar outfit to the tall man except in red.

"What?" The short man I presumed was Dean asked as he walked into the room.
"Her." He added pointing at me. The short man turned looking at me.
"Woah. Easy there tiger. How did you get here?" Dean asked taking a step towards me. I quickly held my blade up showing the men that I wasn't afraid to attack them.
"I won't tell you." I stated in fear.
"Why not?" He asked.
"You wouldn't believe me." I growled.
"Why do you have an Archangel blade?" The tall one asked.
"How do you know about this?" I demanded looking at my blade.
"We've dealt with some Angels." Dean chuckled.
"You know about Monsters?" I asked, confused.
"Yeah. We've dealt with many." Dean stated as my foot gave out once more. I fell and stared at the two.
"Let us help you." The tall man stated coming closer.
"How can I trust you! I don't even know if your working with that ass-hole you call god!" I growled flashing my eyes and holding my blade up, stopping them.
"We aren't working for Chuck!" Dean yelled.
"You know his name?" I asked.
"Yeah." The tall man stated.
"What happened to you?" Dean asked.
"He's the ass-hole who did this to me." I growled. Soon a door slamming got my attention with a familar presences. "Sam. Dean. I'm back!" The voice yelled.
"Umm. Where here!" Sam yelled. I rolled my eyes looking behind me to see a man in a trench coat arive behind me. I quickly turned and pointed my blade at him flashing my eyes.
"Hello Castiel." I growled.
"Y/n." Castiel stuttered out.
"You two know each other?" Dean asked.
"Yeah. He's an little follower of Chuck." I growled.
"Y/n. Calm down." Castiel stated calmy.
"No. You so called Lord is playing you all like a game of cards!" I yelled.
"Cas, do you know what she is?" Dean asked.
"Yeah. She's an Angel." Cas stated.
"Yeah, I am. You take one step closer to me and I will kill you." I growled.
"Y/n, I don't follow Chuck!" Castiel snapped.
"What?" I asked confused.
"I follow what's right now." Castiel added.
"He makes his own choices." Dean added.
"You rebelled." I stammered out in shock.
"Yeah." Castiel sighed.
"Tell me, where's my father? Where's Uncle Gabriel" I asked.
"Father?" Dean asked in confusion.
"Uncle Gabriel?" The tall man questioned.
"Yeah. Where are they?" I demanded.
"Dean, Sam..." Castiel begin to say.
"Wait if you're related to Gabriel then that means..." The tall man thought out loud.
"Then that means your father's either Micheal or Lucifer." Dean spoke which made me growl.
"Don't even say I'm the daughter of that Obedient Winged dick!" I growled flashing my eyes at the two men.
"Woah. Woah." The tall man stammered out holding his hands up again.
"That means your Lucifer's kid. So that's why you have an Archangel blade." Dean thought out loud.

"Yeah. Do you know where they are?" I asked.
"Umm." The boys questioned looking at each other.
"What? Where are they?!" I demanded.
"There alive." Castiel added.
"Just not here." The tall man added. I sighed as tears burned my eyes.
"They promised me—" I choked on my own tears dropping my blade.
"Promised you what?" They questioned.
"That they would protect her." Castiel spoke for me.
"Really?" The two men asked.
"Yeah." I cried.
"I'll find them." Castiel added.
"You want to find Lucifer! Cas you know what's he's done to us!" The tall man growled.
"Yeah. It's a bad idea." Dean agreed.
"When Lucifer got out of the cage he was looking for her!" Castiel snapped.
"He got out." I mumbled..
"Yeah. Sam, Dean can I talk to you in private?!" Castiel asked.
"Sure." The boys added walking away into a more quiet area. I silently prayed for Gabriel and my father hoping they would show up as I continued to be in pain.

Dean's pov...

We followed Cas into an area where Lucifer's Daughter couldn't hear us.
"What the hell! Why would you want to find Lucifer!" I demanded looking at Cas.
"Because she needs help." Cas stated.
"Help." I added.
"Yes. She needs to be healed, and I'm not strong enough." Cas sighed.
"Healed?" Sam questioned.
"Yes. She's hurt and scared. She knows that Lucifer and Gabriel can heal her." Cas snapped.
"Is that the only reason she wants those fluffy winged dicks." I growled.
"No. She knows their family. She trust them and they would never hurt her." Cas added.
"Cas, how do you?" Sam asked.
"Cause long before you two, she lived in hell with Lucifer and her mother. Gabriel would visit her teach her to play tricks. Then a war broke out. Her mother was killed, and Gabriel and Lucifer vowed to protect her from Micheal. Then Lucifer got shoved into the cage and they took Y/n." Cas explained. I sighed dropping my head.
"Well. Well. Well. Which one of you SOB's are looking for me." A familar voice spoke behind me.
"Gabriel." Sam sighed as we all turned and looked at him
"Hey Dean, Sam. Castiel." Gabriel stated with a smile.
"What are you doing here?" I demanded.
"You didn't pray to me?" Gabriel questioned.
"No." I added.

Gabriel looked between us his smiled faded as he turned and looked the way we came from.
"Y/n." He mumbled as he quickly pushed passed us and made his ways towards Y/n.

We followed as he stopped and looked at her. She had a tore up black dress on, no shoes, and her hair was down.
"Gabriel, we didn't do this to her." Sam stated.
"What the hell happened?" He questioned walking towards her.

Y/n Pov...

I sighed not knowing what to do any more. I heard footsteps from behind me, and they moved in front of me. I slowly looked up to see Gabriel.  I smiled as tears fell.
"Hey kid." Gabriel stated with a small smile.
"Gabriel." I mumbled as I felt my tears fall. He knelt down and held my face looking at me.
"Dad did this, didn't he?" He asked.
"Yeah." I nodded.
"That son of a bitch." Gabriel growled shaking his head. He then looked at me and placed his hand on my forehead.

"Here." He sighed. I could feel my blood of my scars slowly start heading back inside my skin. Each scar closing up.
"Thanks. Uncle Gabe." I stated with a smile as I jumped up and hugged him.

"It's okay, kid. I'm here." He sighed placing his chin on my head and wrapping his arms around me.

Supernatural: Lucifer's Daughter: OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now