You meet Gabriel: Part 2

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"You can get out anytime, sweetheart." He chuckled.
"Okay. How do they get out then?" I asked making him look at Dean and Sam.
"Tell you what. If you those two can survive in the next 24 hours, I'll let them go." The Trickster stated with a smile.

"Survive What?" Sam asked.
"The game!" The Trickster chuckled.
"What game?!" Dean demanded.
"You're in it." The Trickster and me stated at the same time. He looked at me and smiled, liking what he heard.
"How do we play?" Sam asked.
"Your playing it." He added.
"What are the rules?" Dean asked as he smiled at the two boys before snapping his fingers making him and I both disappear.

I arrived at a place that had a hot tub. It was luxurious! I was in a large room with white walls and a tan wooden floor. There was a door there too, that could lead absolutely anywhere. The room also had some comfy spa chairs and some tables around as well as lights in the wall. I then looked down at the hot tub and then at my clothes noticing that my normal outfit was replaced by a black bikini with no shoes. I looked at the hot tub smiled and got in. The water was hot, but as soon as my body submerged with the water and the jets it instantly felt amazing. A 'aww' escape my lips in a pleasure of feeling relaxed. I smiled and closed my eyes taking in a deep breath and letting it out as I let myself sink into the water a little. Soon footsteps got my attention making me look up to see a nice looking lady with black hair.
"Here, your highness." The sweet kind young lady stated as she reached down and gave me a margarita glass filled with some kind of alcohol. She then turned around and walked off disappearing.
"I could live the Royal life." I giggled noticing the drink was a mixed with rum and my favorite kind of soda. I smiled drinking it enjoying the luxurious taste. I smile in delight as I wish that the moment would never end. The moment quickly passed when The Trickster showed up.

"Hello, Y/n." The Trickster stated with a smile making me looked over at him.
"Hello Trickster." I stated with a smile placing my drink down.
"Well I'll say your enjoying the luxurious life right now, huh." The Trickster chuckled.
"I am. Thanks for it." I chuckled taking a sip of my drink.
"No problem. Besides you know what I am." The Trickster chuckled with a smile making me look at him.
"The weird feelings..." I thought out loud.
"Yeah. It makes your Archangel radar... just click!" The Trickster stated snapping his finger.
"Yeah." I sighed looking away and then back at him. A familiar friendly feeling came to me. I then knew who he was. I then continued in shock, "I know you! You came to my house every Tuesday. Mom called you Gabe, and you said you went by Loki. It makes since now. At the mystery spot is was the repetitive Tuesdays. I should've known it was you."

"Y/n, I was the one who made sure you we're safe. I hid you from the Angels, The demons, and I made sure they couldn't sense you. Hell, I put your ass in witness protection. You're too important to this family, I wasn't about to let you get taken or maybe killed by the Angels." The Trickster stated making me get out of the hot tub.
"This family?" I questioned.
"Yeah. Don't you remember me telling you my name is Uncle G?" He asked.
"Yeah. I do. Which means, your brother is Lucifer." I stated with a smile.
"Yep." He chuckled.
"They call you Gabe, huh?" I asked.
"Gabriel, but call me Gabe if you want. Oh and here." The Trickster also known as Gabriel stated as he snapped his fingers. I looked down, instantly. The swimsuit changed into my black tank top, jean shorts, and my black boots. The water on me gone, soaked up into my skin. I looked at him as tears burned my eyes.
"I have more family. Thank you." I stated as the tears begged to push through.
"I know kiddo, sorry I stopped showing up after you turned 12. It was only to keep you safe. It's nice to say you went from a snobby little trickster, to a tall beautiful woman with an attitude." Gabriel stated with a smile making the tears push through.
"Gabe." I stated trying to keep the tears in.
"I've missed you too." Gabriel chuckled as he walked up to me. I looked at him remembering 6 year old me looking up at him, playing tricks with him, and hearing crazy stories about my father, him, and my mother. He held his arms out giving me that normal smile. I immediately ran into his arms hugging him. He hugged me back placing one of his hands on the back on my head, the other around my back.

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