First steps

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Author's note:
Doesn't take place in any season.


Every since your first words, Lucifer and Y/m/n have been wondering when you'll start walking. They knew you should be anytime soon. This passed month you had been pulling yourself up by using your parents knees or using the couch.

Y/m/n has been helping you stand up on your feet, while Lucifer would help you get use to walking with his help. Today you was sitting on the couch next  to your father who was asleep, while your mom was making lunch. You got bored of watching tv and playing with your toys, so you got off the couch. You nudged your dad and he whined a bit. You huffed and sat down on the ground.
"Momma!" Y/n whined getting her mom's attention.
"What sweetheart?" Y/m/n asked.
"Dadda!" Y/n whined making Lucifer sit up and look down at his adorable daughter.
"What's wrong, Angel?" He asked picking you up. You giggled and placed your hands on his face.
"I think she wanted you, love." Y/m/n chuckled taking her h/l h/c hair and putting it up in a ponytail.
"Yeah. I see that." He chuckled putting his daughter down in his lap.
"Oh and by the way food is ready." Y/m/n chuckled.
"Did you hear that? Are you hungry?" Lucifer asked looking down at you.
"Yeah! I'm huwgry!" You whined.
"Okay. Let's go get some food." He chuckled standing up and taking you into the kitchen. He placed you down in the high chair. Y/m/n fed you while Lucifer ate and made sure you didn't spill your food.

After lunch you sat in the floor playing with some of your toys. Eventually you got sleepy and fell asleep in your mom's arms. Y/m/n and Lucifer watched as you peacefully slept. Y/m/n fell asleep in Lucifer's arms as he stayed awake making sure that she didn't drop Y/n. It was 3 to 4 hours later when Y/n woke up. Lucifer watched her as Y/m/n went and made her a cup of coffee. Lucifer got onto the floor where Y/n was at and she looked up at her father.
"Y/n honey, you should walk to mommy." Lucifer stated pointing over at Y/m/n. Y/n looked over at her mom and giggled. Y/n then got up and slowly, walked towards her mother.

"Y/m/n, look." Lucifer chuckled making his tired wife turn around to see their child walking on her own.
"Oh my goodness! Your walking my little Angel!" Y/m/n exclaimed walking over to Y/n picking her up.
"I know. She just adorable." Lucifer chuckled getting up and walking over to his wife.
"You know when she gets better at walking, she'll be running in no time." Y/m/n chuckled looking up at her husband.
"Oh my Dad. It's gonna be a living nightmare." Lucifer sighed.
"She is your child." Y/m/n laughed.
"Yeah and yours to." Lucifer added playfully.
"Oh she gonna be just like us." Y/m/n sighed in happiness.
"Yeah. Childish, sassy, powerful, and adorable." Lucifer sighed looking down at y/n.
"Just like us in our younger days." Y/m/n giggled.
"All those pranks me, you, and Gabriel pulled on the Angels was the greatest." Lucifer laughed.
"Like that fake pregnancy test we pulled on Micheal." Y/m/n giggled.
"Oh yeah. He was feeling so guilty, not knowing what to do. That was the best." Lucifer laughed.
"I can't wait till she gets to do that stuff, she'll have loads of fun." Y/m/n chuckled.
"Yeah. Those are fun times." Lucifer sighed happily as he looked down at his daughter.

Supernatural: Lucifer's Daughter: OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now