You get hit on at a bar

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Author's note:
Doesn't take place in any season.


I was siting at the bar drinking with my dad while my Uncle Gabriel filled my cup back up.
"Enjoy. Sweetheart." Gabriel chuckled.
"Thanks Gabe." I chuckled grabbing my drink and sitting down beside my father, Lucifer.
"How's my little Angel by the way?" Dad asked.
"Good, been torturing Crowley for a while." I chuckled.
"That's my girl." Dad laughed.
"You two really don't like Crowley do you?" Gabriel asked.
"No." I stated.
"He's just as bad as Micheal. Thank hell their not here to ruin the fun." Dad chuckled.
"Yeah." I sighed.
"I bet if Micheal was here, the two of you would be fighting." Gabriel laughed looking at my father making me giggle.
"Very funny." Dad rolled his.

"It is." I giggled.
"Not another word." Dad stated glaring at me, playfully.
"Okay." I said getting up and walking away from him.

"Sweety, I didn't mean it like that!" Dad whined.
"You said it. Not me." I laughed.

No one's pov...

As the pretty h/c archangel sat down away from Lucifer, a roar of a car showed up outside the bar they where in. Soon two boys walked in the bar.

Lucifer and Gabriel notice the two boys as the famous Winchesters brothers.
"Not those S.O.B's" Gabriel complained.
"Oh Hell." Lucifer rolled his eyes as he watched Dean and Sam walk in. Dean gave a 'silent hello' to Y/n and she waved back.
"Did Dean just give a silent hello to my daughter?" Lucifer asked quickly looking at Gabriel.
"Oh yeah." Gabriel nodded.
"I'm going to throw him into a wall." Lucifer complained.
"Luci, no." Gabriel stated making his big brother sit.
"What. She's my kid." Lucifer chuckled.
"Those two butt buddies think we're dead." Gabriel stated.
"That's true." Lucifer sighed.
"So we stay natural, pretend we're humans, and play our tricks." Gabriel laughed.
"Tricks. Come on bro. It's not going to work." Lucifer complained.
"Trust me. We let Dean make his move. We act natural and watch Y/n play hard to get." Gabriel stated with a smile.
"She not going to play hard to get. I told her if some weird creep comes up to her, tries flirting with her and she tells him off to slam him into a wall." Lucifer added.
"I told her don't do that." Gabriel added.
"What'd you tell her?" Lucifer asked.
"I told her to play hard to get and then break their heart and play tricks. And if all else fails then throw them against the wall." Gabriel chuckled.
"So what do we do?" Lucifer asked.
"Like I said. Act natural." Gabriel chuckled as they both heard a glass cup slam down. The turn and looked at Y/n to see her looking at them.
"Gabe. I need more." She stated with a smile.
"I'll be back." Gabriel sighed walking down the bar with a bottle of Whiskey. He grabbed her cup and begin to fill it up. He notice Dean glance at Y/n and watched as Sam slapped him in the chest.
"Would you focus." Sam huffed.
"Can't we take a break. She looks fun." Dean stated pointing at Y/n.
"If we take a break we'll never find Lucifer's Daughter. Besides we don't even know her name." Sam added.
"It shouldn't be too hard, she's probably off setting fires and killing people. If she just like him." Dean sighed.
"I haven't found anything like that." Sam rolled his eyes.
"You do your research. I'm gonna have some fun." Dean chuckled making Gabriel roll his eyes.
"Thanks Gabe." She smiled looking at her Uncle.
"No problem, sweetheart." Gabriel chuckled handing her the cup. He then turned and walked back toward Lucifer. Gabriel told Lucifer what he knows and the two naturally watch Dean walk over to Y/n.

"Hey, pretty." Dean flirted sitting down beside Y/n.
"Hi handsome." Y/n stated rolling her eyes.
"What you doing in a bar all alone?" Dean asked.
"Having a drink." She stated.
"How about I buy you another?" He chuckled.
"Sorry, my drinks are free. I'm sorta related to the owner." She stated looking over at Dean.
"I'm Dean." Dean stated.
"Y/n." She stated looking at him.
"Oh. Well I can show you a good time, Y/n." Dean flirted.
"Oh." She questioned.
"Yeah. You, me, and bottle of whiskey. What do say." He stated winking at her.
"Yeah, and when I have a good time you wouldn't like it. Sorry, not interest, handsome." She stated with a smile. He looked around in pure shock for a second and turned around and walked to Sam.

"Told ya. Her tricks would work." Gabriel chuckled.
"I guess she's got it down." Lucifer sighed drinking his whiskey. He gently placed the cup down and glanced over at his daughter and the Winchesters.
"Your back early." Sam stated.
"Yeah. And?" Dean asked.
"She shot you down." Sam stated looking at his older brother.
"So what." He rolled his eyes.
"Oh man." Sam laughed.
"Shut it!" Dean growled sitting down beside Sam. Lucifer chuckled and took a sip of his whiskey. He looked at his daughter who was scrolling through TV channels as she finished her drink. Gabriel walked back over and filled her cup back up and she smile. Sam looked at the two of them watching as Gabriel walked towards the other end of the bar.
"I guess she more interested in the bartender." Sam shrug his shoulder watching Gabriel even though he didn'trealize it was him.
"I bet that who let's her drink for free. She said she's releated to the owner." Dean sighed. Lucifer shook his head and let his guard down a bit.

Soon the door opened and walked in a man. He quickly notice Y/n. He walked past Sam and Dean and sat beside Y/n.
She ignored the man and finally found a show, she found interesting.
"Hey cutie." The man stated making her look at him.
"I'm not interested." Y/n stated annoyed. She got up and walk a couple step towards different seat closer to her father. She then resume to watch the show.
"Come on. Don't play hard to get." The man flirted.
"And I said get lost." She growled going back to her show. Next thing she notice was the man place his arms over her shoulders.
"Let's get out of here." The man stated as Y/n grabbed her drink. She rolled her eyes and swallowed her drink quickly. She slammed her cup on the table before turning to the man.
"I'll say it one more time. I'm not interest and don't touch me." Y/n growled getting up and removing the man's arm alerting her father.

Lucifer drank his whiskey slowly making sure he didn't need to jump and slash open the bastards throat. Y/n begin walking towards her father, her boot heels clacking against the floor. The man got up and grabbed her wrist and pulled her closed.
"Let's go to my place. We'll have some fun." The guy laughed.
"I told you. Not Interested. I'll give you to the count of three to let go." Y/n growled. Lucifer watched as the man held his daughter.
"Gabe. Time to act." Lucifer stated getting Gabriel's attention. He down his drink, slammed it on the table and walked towards his daughter.
"Let go of the girl, douchebag." Dean stated getting up and walking towards the man.
"Get lost man. She's mine." The man laughed.
"Let go of me." Y/n growled starting to get annoyed.
"Come on sweetheart, I won't bite." He stated looking into Y/n's e/c eyes.
"I would advise you to step away from the Angel, sir." Gabriel stated as he got closer to his niece and the man. He looked at Gabriel not frightened at all.
"Get lost." The man growled.
"How about you get you hands off my daughter!" Lucifer demanded flashing his red eyes making Sam get up.
"You might want to." I growled flashing my blue angelic eyes.
"Your testing my patience. Get your hands off her hips." Lucifer growled.
"Take a hint. She's not interested, buck-o." Gabriel growled.
"I told you to get your grubby, little hands off my daughter." Lucifer growled flicking the man across the room. He pulled out an Archangel blade and walked over to the man. He quickly tortured the man as Dean and Sam watched. Screams where heard as they quickly faded as the torture stopped. The blade soon end up through the man's head and a snap of the finger from Lucifer as the man exploded.

"So your both alive?" Sam stammered.
"Yep. Been in witness protection protecting her." Gabriel chuckled pointing at Y/n.
"I did raise the little angel." Lucifer chuckled wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
"So your Lucifer's kid?" Dean asked.
"Yep. My father raised me, my Uncle Gabriel helped and both taught me how to play tricks." Y/n giggled.
"She's like the ultimate trickster." Sam stated looking at Dean, annoyed.
"Be glad your not him." Lucifer added pointing at the ground. Talking about all the blood from the douchebag that didn't take no for an answer. The boys looked down and nodded in agreement.

Supernatural: Lucifer's Daughter: OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now