Kidnapped by Asmodeus Part: 1

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Author's note:
Doesn't take place in any season.
Except Crowley is alive and Asmodeus tries to take over Hell.


After Y/n, Dean, and Sam had hunted down a vampire nest it ended up becoming a little too horrific. Y/n ended up snapping her fingers and exploding all the vampire in a minute, after Y/n and the boys nearly almost got bit at least three or four times. They walked out of the old, abandoned barn and towards the Impala. They rested outside of the Impala getting some fresh air instead of the smell of iron.

Dean looked at Y/n and notice some blood was smeared on her face.
"Hey, Angel. You've got a little something there." Dean pointed to her cheek making Y/n moved her hand up and try to smear the blood onto her f/c jean jacket.
"Did I get it?" She asked looking at Dean and Sam.
"Yeah. You got it." Sam chuckled.
"Good." Y/n sighed taking off her jacket and putting it in the Impala showing her light gray tank top. She then shut the door and put her hands in her jeans pockets looking up at Dean, smiling.
"Hello there, Y/n. I don't think your daddy would want you hanging out with humans, now would he." A voice spoke behind her making her turn around to see a man in a white suit and shoes. He had somewhat of long hair and beard as well.
"Umm. Hello and my father really doesn't care who I hang out with. Just as long as I'm safe." Y/n stayed looking at the man as she took her hands out of her pockets.
"Yeah, and what I'd like to know is who the hell are you?" Dean demanded.
"Let's save that for another time, shall we." The man chuckled.
"Y/n, do you know him?" Sam asked.
"Umm. No. I know that he is a demon though." Y/n stated looking back at Sam and the man.
"Okay." Sam nodded ending their conversation and looking back at the man in the white suit.
"Okay. Fine what the hell do you want?" Y/n demanded.
"I know what I want. It's you Y/n." The man stated with a sly smile.
"Me? Okay Let's just hold on for a minute cause your starting to sound like some demon that is obsessed with my father." Y/n giggled nervously.
"Yeah. Well, Lucifer's Daughter is an importance to Hell." The man chuckled.
"What kind of importance?" Dean demanded.
"Y/n is Hell's Princess." The man stated.
"Yeah. We know that." Y/n growled.
"What do you want with her?!" Dean demanded.
"I can't say." The man chuckled.
"Okay. Well this is what's going to happen, me and my boys are leaving and you can go away. Alright. Let's go boys." Y/n giggled pushing the boys to the Impala.
"No. This is what's going to happen." The man stated making Dean and Sam slam up against the Impala. They fell to the ground holding their stomach in pain.
"Dean! Sam!" Y/n yelled turning and looking at the boys who were gasping for air.
"Your coming with me and those two are going to die." The man stated looking at Y/n.

She growled and stuck her hand out stomping the pain on the two boys. Her eyes glowed blue, making the boys roll over in relief coughing up blood.
"I'll come with you as long as you leave my boys alone." Y/n growled.
"Okay." He chuckled watching Y/n closely. Soon two guys appeared behind her and grabbed her arms.
"Y/n!" Dean breathed out.
"Let go of me!" Y/n growled flashing her archangel eyes.
"Sorry, but your coming to Hell with me." The man chuckled snapping his finger and the four of them disappeared. Dean and Sam breathed out and looked at each other trying to figure out what to do next.

"Dean, what are we going to do?" Sam asked sitting on the ground breathing.
"I don't know. We're gonna have to tell Lucifer." Dean sighed as both him and Sam wiped the blood from their mouths.
"Yeah, but we need to figure out who that guy is." Sam sighed
"Yeah. You think Cas or Crowley might know?" Dean asked.
"Maybe, but we gotta try something." Sam sighed getting up.
"Yeah. Okay." Dean sighed getting up. He then pulled out his phone and dialed Crowley's number.

"He should be hear by now." Dean breathed out looking around for Crowley.
"Hello boys. What do you want?" Crowley's voice spoke behind Dean. Dean turned around and looked at Crowley.
"Crowley we need your help." Sam sighed.
"Really Moose. Don't you have the spawn of Lucifer helping you two out." Crowley stated looking at Dean and Sam.
"Yeah, well we want to know who is a demon that wears a white suit." Dean stated looking at Crowley getting straight to the point.
"White suit... Oh Hell. You're probably talking about Asmodeus." Crowley stated, annoyed.
"Asmodeus?" Dean questioned.
"Yeah. He's a Prince of Hell. Why are you asking about him?" Crowley asked.
"Well he kinda..." Sam trailed off.
"Kinda what?" Crowley questioned putting the peices together. He then shook his head realizing what happened. He then chuckled, "Really. You two let Hell's Princess get kidnapped by a Prince of Hell."

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