Seeing how you Respond to 'I Love You'

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Author's note:
Doesn't take place in any season.

Love interest, only

Dad and Uncle Gabriel where staying with me and the Winchesters to see how I've been doing. We we're in the bunker and it was oddly quiet. I ignored it walking into the kitchen. I grabbed the pie in the fridge and a spoon and walked into the library. I sat down at the table and sliced down into the pie. Soon enough a couple of footsteps caught my attention along with my father's and my Uncle Gabriel's voices.

"I'm bored." Dad sighed quietly.
"I got an idea. Say I love you to Y/n and see what she does." Gabriel stated quietly.
"Okay. Got it." Dad chuckled. I ignored the two as I picked the small, chunk of pie up with spoon. I then put the pie in my mouth, enjoying the pie and thinking how Dean would enjoy this too.
"Hey Y/n." Gabriel chuckled.
"Hi." I stated with a smile enjoying my pie, still think about Dean.
"Hey, Angel. I want to let you know that I love you." Dad stated with a smile.
"Love you too, Dad." I stated with a smile looking at him.
"Try again." Gabriel sighed.
"I love you, angel." Dad stated again.
"Thanks!" I stated with a smile being a little confused as I looked at my father and my uncle. Holding the spoon with a small sliver of pie.
"See t-that hurts! That's worse." Dad stated with a sigh, as Gabriel laughed. Soon Sam walked into the room noticing Gabriel laughing and me eating a pie.
"What's going on?" Sam asked.
"Sam you try." Dad laughed.
"Try what?" He asked as I raised the spoon down and got another sliver of pie and ate it.
"Say I love you to Y/n. We're seeing her reaction." Gabriel laughed.
"If I do it, don't kill me." Sam stated with a sigh.
"Deal." Dad added as Sam walked over and sat down beside me.
"I love you." Sam said looking at me.
"Me too." I stated quickly and then stuffing my pie into my mouth.
"You love yourself, too." Sam asked confusedly. 
"Yeah." I stated with food in my mouth causing Dad and Gabriel to laugh. Soon Cas walked into the room confused.
"Alright you try Cas." Sam chuckled.
"Try what?" He asked.
"Saying I love you to Y/n. Where getting her reaction." Gabriel laughed.
"Alright. I love you." Cas stated looking down at me as I shoved pie in my mouth.
"I could see that." I stated eating my pie.
"Haha." Gabriel, Dad, and Sam laughed. At that very moment Dean came walking into the room and noticed me eating pie. Heat rose on my face making me grin and eat some more pie.
"Hey Dean you try." Gabriel laughed.
"Try what?" He asked.
"Say I love you to Y/n." Sam chuckled.
"You two promise not to kill me." Dean stated looking over at my Dad and Uncle.
"Yeah. Come on, one more try." Gabriel laughed as Dean walked over and sat down in front of me. I sliced a peace of my pie and begin to eat it when he looked at me stopping me in my tracks. A smile appeared on my face making me stare at Dean.
"I love you." Dean stated with meaning in his voice looking at me.
"Ohhh hell yeah!" I grined dropping my spoon. Making Dad, Gabriel, Sam, and Cas laugh and go into wheezing fits. I then snapped my fingers and spawned another spoon and handed it to Dean.
"Your sharing pie?" Dean questioned.
"Anything you want." I giggled.

Dad and Uncle Gabriel where staying with me and the Winchesters to see how I've been doing. We we're in the bunker and it was oddly quiet. I sighed walking over to the bookshelf grabbing one of the books doing some research. Soon Dad and Gabriel walked up to me staring down at me.
"I love you, Angel." Dad stated with a smile.
"Love you, too." I signed going back to my book.
"Wow. Try again." Gabriel chuckled.
"Y/n, I love you." Dad stated with a smile.
"Thanks." I quickly respond ignoring them.
"Okay, t-that hurts." Dad responded looking at Gabriel.
"That's worse." Gabriel laughed as Cas walked into the room.
"What's going on here?" Cas questioned.
"Say, I love you to Y/n, we won't kill you. See what she does." Dad chuckled.
"Okay." Cas sighed getting into character, while I still ignore him.

"I love you, Y/n." Cas stated looking at me.
"Me too." I responded looking at the same book as Dean walked into the room.
"You love yourself too." Cas questioned.
"Yeah." I added going back to my book. Making Dad, Gabriel, Cas and Dean laugh.
"Dean you try." Cas asked.
"Try what?" Dean asked.
"Saying I love you to Y/n. We're seeing how she responds." Gabriel laughed.
"Okay." He sighed.

"I love you." Dean stated looking at me making me look up.
"I could see that." I stated with a smile quickly heading back to my book hearing Dean, Cas, Dad, and Gabriel laugh. Soon Sam came into the room.
"Hey. What's going on here?" He asked making me glance up and then go back to my book.
"We're seeing how Y/n react to us telling her I love you." Dean laughed.
"Okay." Sam sighed.
"Alright one more time, Sam you're up." Gabriel laughed. Sam walked up to me and looked at me.
"I love you." Sam stated in his normal sweet voice.
"Ohhh Yeahhh." I grinned causing everyone to bust out laughing.

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