Ghostfacers meet Lucifer: Part 2:

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Who?" Dean asked as him and Y/n walked beside the doorway.
"Those two dumbasses that almost got us killed in West Texas." Sam stated looking at Dean and Y/n.
"Oh, Hell. Not the Ghostfacers." Dean complained.
"Who are they?" Y/n asked concerned and a little annoyed.
"Their these two dumbasses that almost got us killed multiple times in two different hunts we've been on where we ran into them. Remember me telling you about those?" Dean asked.
"Yeah. I remember. They got you distracted and the ghost you two were hunting took Sam." Y/n stated with a smile.
"Yeah, those dumb-asses!" Dean stated.
"Yeah. Why'd you throw a chair?" Sam asked.
"We thought that she was the apparition of Alicia Springs." Harry stated pointing at Y/n.
"And where not dumbasses." Ed stated annoyed.
"Are you sure? You threw a chair at Y/n besides she's not dead!" Dean yelled.
"Easy, Tiger!" Y/n called getting Dean to stand down.
"Hi. I'm Ed Sprangler and this is my friend Harry Sprangler." Ed stated looking at Y/n who was not interested.
"Hi. Alright, move." She sighed shoving passed the guys into the room looking for a place where the body might be.
"What is she doing?" Ed aasked.
"Looking for the remains." Dean huffed.
"Ohhh." They both sighed watching Y/n look around the room.
"Hey Y/n, check it out. Creepy doll head." Dean chuckled showing Y/n a head of a doll that has a missing eye, hair on the right side of the head and the left side was broken.

"That's disturbing." Y/n muttered out looking at the doll in pure disgust.
"Hehe. I didn't think the daughter of the dev—" Dean begin to say when Y/n slammed her hands on Dean's mouth.
"I told you about saying that in front of Humans that are not hunters!" She growled as Dean stared down at her realizing she was right. She removed her hand and continued to stare up at him.
"I hate those guys! I can't make jokes!" Dean whined.
"It's okay. Besides even Dad has his limits." Y/n chuckled.
"Really?" Dean questioned.
"Yeah." Y/n giggled walking out of the room and to the next room. Ed and Harry watched her as she walked out.
"Wow. She looks amazing. I wonder what it would take to get her to go out with me." Ed stated glancing at Harry and then back at Y/n.
"You have no idea." Dean chuckled making Y/n glance back at Dean.
"Is she your sister?" Harry asked as he looked at Dean.
"Shut up." Dean growled as his smile faded as he followed Y/n and Sam. Y/n and Sam was looking at the small room that looked like it had been boarded up.
"Okay, I think the bodies might be either here or the next room over." Y/n stated as she place her hand on the small room's wall.
"What is she doing?" Harry asked.
"You see Y/n is kinda like a psychic." Sam lied.
"Yeah. She's trying to find the bones where trying to burn." Dean stated with a smile.
"Shut it!" Y/n growled trying to focus.
"Sorry." Dean sighed.
"Dean, let's get those two idiots out of here." Sam stated as Y/n got more annoyed.
"Wait, why?" Ed demanded.
"Yeah! We're not afraid! Don't worry Y/n. We'll protect you." Harry called making Y/n more annoyed.
"Dean." Y/n gritted through her teeth with a smile.
"Gotcha Angel." Dean stated grabbing Ed. He then added, "Come on you two. Let the Angel finish." Dean chuckled making Y/n giggle.

The boys went with Dean and Sam and up the basement stairs and into the back room where the basement stairs led up too.
"So. What's it like being stuck with Y/n?" Ed asked.
"It's fine." Dean sighed.
"Yeah. So Dean, one of us needs to be down their with Y/n." Sam sighed.
"Why?" Harry asked making Sam and Dean give the two Ghostfacers the bitch face.
"Yeah. I hear you." Dean sighed looking up at his brother.

"Okay. I'll go down their with her and you stay up here with them." Dean stated with a smile.
"No. Last time I was with those idiots, I almost got killed." Sam growled.
"Umm guys..." Ed and Harry stated looking passed the boys.
"What!" Dean and Sam growled turning and looking at Ed and Harry. Dean and Sam followed the Ghostfacers flashlights to see Y/n.
"Hey." She smiled peeking out of the basement staircase.
"Hey. What's up?" Sam asked.
"There was nothing passed that wall. I think it might be in the room with the dried blood." Y/n stated with a smile.
"Okay. Rock, paper, scissors." Dean stated.
"Fine." Sam growled as him and Dean did the hand motions. Dean obviously lost and had to stay with the two Ghostfacers. Sam followed Y/n down into the basement as him and Y/n begin looking around the room where they once were.
Dean took out the salt in his duffel bag and made a salt circle hoping he could keep the two dumb-asses in.
"Hey. Can I ask you a question?" Ed asked.
"What?" Dean sighed sitting on the wooden floor waiting for Sam or the ghost.
"How did you meet Y/n?" Harry asked.
"How?" Dean questioned.
"Yeah! A hot girl like her doesn't get into ghost hunting unless there is something wrong with her." Ed stated.
"Well she's a hunter, just like us. I actually met her father before her. She helped us out a couple times afterwards. Eventually she joined Sam and me." Dean stated, still waiting.
"Is her dad a psychic too?" Harry asked.
"Sure. Sorta." Dean chuckled knowing that he is lying.
"Is he cool?" Ed asked.
"Sure." Dean sighed in annoyance.
"You think he would allow me to ask Y/n out?" Harry asked.
"I would advise you to just leave Y/n alone. Her father is a scary guy." Dean chuckled looking down.
"You sure. Y/n's dad is scary?" Ed asked.
"I'm sure. In fact, she's just like him. Both has anger issues, both are very childish, both have... umm... a scary side you don't want to see." Dean stated trying to not give away Y/n's father, Lucifer away.
"How scary can they be?" Harry asked.
"Scary." Dean chuckled.
"Oh." Both Ed and Harry stated.
"There's the ghost!" Ed yelled making Dean jump up. He saw the ghost and slashed at her. She disappeared as soon as the iron touched her.
"Yeah, I know. Besides don't ask to much about them." Dean chuckled as Sam came running up the stairs.
"Hey. Y/n found the body." Sam stated making Dean turn towards Sam.
"Good. Where is it?" Dean asked.
"In the basement and the attic." Sam stated.
"Great, where is she?" Dean asked.
"She's in the basement. She's waiting on one of us to head down to the basement so she can head up into the attic." Sam stated.
"Okay. I'll stay here send her on up." Dean stated with a smile.
"Okay." Sam sighed walking down into the basement where Y/n held her hand out at a certain area in the wall getting getting ready to knock it down. Her Archangel powers we're getting stronger.
"Stand back." She added as Sam nodded. Y/n then shot her powers out only noticing that the body wasn't there.
"You think it could be underneath?" Sam asked.
"I think it is. Can you hand me a shovel?" Y/n asked.
"Yeah here." Sam stated getting in his duffel bag getting a shovel. He handed it to her and she took it. She shoved the shovel under the floor boards and shoved it up. There was dirt underneath it. Y/n started digging and eventually she found a body without a head, a left arm, and right leg.

Supernatural: Lucifer's Daughter: OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now