Y/n and her Three Protectors

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Author's Note:
Doesn't take place in any season, but does take place in the bunker.


Dean and Sam had no idea that Lucifer had a daughter. Especially since she was in fact an Archangel just like him.

In fact after Micheal and Gabriel found out about Lucifer being a father, it ended the feud and made them a family again. They knew to protect her from anything, so they took them to one place where they knew she would be safe at.

The bunker.

They knew how Dean and Sam acted toward them, but they knew if she was safe and they weren't going to harm her. She would be safe. After showing up at the bunker and telling them about her and what happened to her mother, the brothers watched them.

Everyday they watched as Lucifer bounce his daughter and took care of her. They clearly learned that they could trust them, especially after seeing how Micheal would help when Lucifer was getting her food. They even saw how easy Gabriel could distract her. They thought it was nice knowing the three Archangel brother who were normally at each other's throat where now joined together to take care of this sweet baby girl. They let them stay and eventually Lucifer's Daughter, Y/n, grew into a kid.

She's 4 years old now and Micheal, Lucifer and Gabriel helped her learn how to control her Archangel powers. As bored as she was today she ran over to her father wanting him to pick her up.

"Daddy!" Y/n yelled as she ran over to her father who was sitting in the bunker's library bothering Sam.
"What is it, my little angel?" He asked as he turned and looked down at his daughter.
"Pick me up, please!" She whined.
"Okay. Okay. Calm down little princess." He sighed with a smile getting up and picking up his daughter. She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck feeling safe.
"Hmm." Sam mumbled.
"What!" Lucifer demanded.
"Oh it's just your not half bad." Sam stated.
"Half bad?" Y/n and Lucifer questioned in confusement.
"At being a father." Sam added.
"Oh. Well It's been hard since her mother passed." Lucifer sighed.
"He's a great Dad!" Y/n giggled making her Dad open his mouth in a playful shock expression.
"Well I guess that means I'm doing a great job. Huh." Lucifer chuckled looking at his daughter and then at Sam.
"I guess so." Sam sighed as footsteps came from the hallway. Soon Gabriel showed up walking over towards his brother and his niece.
"Hey how's Hell Princess." He chuckled.
"Good." She giggled.
"Good. How about a sucker?" Gabriel chuckled as he pulled out a lollipop. Y/n took it an put it her mouth.

"She's been bored today, you think you can take her somewhere fun." Lucifer asked as he put Y/n down.
"Yeah sure." Gabriel chuckled getting down to Y/n's height level, and she looked at him. He then asked her, "Would you want to go play in a fun reality?"
"Yeah! Like that one time when we we're acting like pirates!" Y/n gasped in excitement.
"Yeah. How about this time your a princess and I'm your knight?" Gabriel asked with a smile.
"Yeah! Can I go Daddy, pretty pretty please!" Y/n begged.
"Yeah. Go. Have fun with Uncle Gabe.  Don't forget to bring her back before lunch time." Lucifer demanded.
"Hey! I gotcha, bro." Gabriel chuckled as he stood up.
"Bye daddy!" Y/n called as she ran and hugged Lucifer.
"See yeah sweetie." Lucifer called as he let her go. She ran to Gabriel and he picked her up. He then snapped his finger and they went away. After a little bit of Lucifer and Sam talking Micheal came out of the bedrooms and Dean came back to the bunker carrying pie.

"Hey Dean. Where you've been?" Sam asked.
"Oh I went and got me a bite to eat, got a pie, and now I'm back." Dean chuckled as he walked down the steps carrying the pie carefully.
"Oh. Well good." Sam stated with a smile.
"I bet Y/n would love a peice of pie." Micheal chuckled as he walked over beside Lucifer and sat down.
"I bet she would." Lucifer nodded in agreement.
"Let me guess, she's with Gabriel right now?" Micheal asked as Dean walked towards the kitchen.
"Yeah. She's a princess and Gabe's her trusty knight." Lucifer stated with a smile.
"Awww. I bet that's adorable." Dean chuckled as he walked into the bunker's library and sat down beside Sam.
"Yeah. He keeps her entertained while we're busy or if she's bored." Micheal stated with a smile.
"So if Chuck or more like God ever comes here, you gonna introduce her to him?" Dean asked.
"No." Lucifer quickly responded.
"Probably not." Micheal added.
"Really?" Sam asked.
"Yeah. We were at each other's throat because of Dad." Lucifer stated.
"I agree. Why would we want to introduce her to him. He may make me shove Lucifer back into the cage again. We just started being brothers again." Micheal added.
"Yeah. I don't want to abandon Y/n. She's my daughter." Lucifer stated.
"Okay. Are you three like her protectors?" Dean chuckled.
"Yeah. I guess so." Micheal added as a swoosh came before them. Gabriel showed up with y/n.

"Where back." Gabriel chuckled as Y/n ran to her Dad.
"Hey. Princess." Micheal called as he hugged Y/n.
"Hey, Uncle Micheal." She giggled as he picked her up and handed her to Lucifer. He stood up and held her as she wrapped her arms around her neck.
"How was your time?" Lucifer asked.
"It was good, but Gabriel had more fun than I did!" Y/n laughed.
"I got... umm... way into character." He added.
"It doesn't surprise me." Dean chuckled as the bunker's door closed.
"Who could that be?" Sam asked.
"Cas is on a job with Charlie, so it can't be them." Dean stated as he got up and walked over to the entrance of the bunker.
"Oh Hell." Lucifer growled.
"This can't be good." Dean sighed as he walked back over by Sam.
"Alright Dean and Sam. I got an idea! Since Lucifer and Micheal have been quiet for a couple years we just make something happen and blame one of them." Chuck's voice stated as he came walking down the stairs.
"Really!?" Micheal and Lucifer demanded as Chuck walked into the library.
"Lucifer, Micheal, and Gabriel." Chuck stated with concern.
"You want us to take Y/n away from this?" Sam asked.
"No. She's safer here." Gabriel added.
"Okay." Dean sighed.
"What are you doing here, pops? Besides trying to get me and Micheal to kill each other." Lucifer asked.
"Oh it's not like that, it's just y'all have been quiet. I've been concerned." Chuck chuckled.
"Concerned?!" Gabriel demaned.
"Yeah!" Chuck stated with a smile.
"Okay. So where were you when your daughter in law, Y/M/N, died!" Lucifer demaned.
"What? Y/M/N was my assistant. She never became my daughter in law." Chuck chuckled.
"Why is he talking bad about mommy?" Y/n whined.
"He's a bad man. Sweetheart." Lucifer sighed as he held his daughter.
"When did you become a father?" Chuck asked.
"Four years ago. Then Y/M/N died and we joined together to keep Y/n here safe." Micheal stated as he looked at his neice.
"Why did you become a father, though?" Chuck asked.
"Why? Because I loved Y/M/N and we had a family! I was so tired of fighting with my brothers that I wanted them to meet her." Lucifer growled.
"Can I see her?" Chuck asked.
"No." Gabriel stated.
"Not in a thousand years." Lucifer stated.
"Micheal." Chuck chuckled.
"I'm sorry father, but no." Micheal sighed.
"What makes you think you can be a better father than me?" Chuck demanded.
"Because, I've been there for my kid. You created us and then quickly left and made Earth." Lucifer demanded.
"I think she's better off with us." Gabriel added.
"Yeah." Micheal agreed.

"Daddy, I'm hungry." Y/n whined as she buried her head into her father's neck.
"Gotcha. Angel." Lucifer chuckled.
"Alright, well we gotta go." Micheal stated.
"Yeah. The little Angel is requesting food and we don't want to disappoint." Gabriel chuckled as him and his brother begin walking towards the door.
"Wait!" Chuck exclaimed.
"What?" The three Archangel asked.
"Why? If she's my granddaughter than I should be able to hold her, get to know her." Chuck added.
"Pops, where not going to let you teach her how to be like the other angels. We want her to know how to live, how to have fun." Lucifer added.
"I think it's best." Sam added.
"What?" Chuck demanded.
"Sam's right. She can choose her own path, learn her own ways, and she can be who she wants to be." Dean added.
"Yeah. She may be an Archangel, but she doesn't have to be a warrior like the others." Gabriel stated.
"Come on, let's go before the Princess gets angry." Lucifer sighed as he started walking towards the bunker's door again.

"Yeah." Micheal agreed as him and Gabriel followed. They then left leaving Chuck in confusion and doubt.

Supernatural: Lucifer's Daughter: OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now