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Author's Note:
Doesn't take place in any season.

Abuse and torture.

Lucifer had just gotten out of the cage. He knew about having a kid. He didn't care whether it was a boy or a girl. He just wanted a child he could raise so he could show his father that he could be a better father than he could. He was following his child's power, when he notice a small child. He saw a little girl sitting on a bench outside of a house that had yelling coming from. He felt a familar power of his and knew that she was his kid. He noticed how she looked frightened and that the yelling would make her jump. He took note that his child was scared.

He gently walked over to the small child as she closed her eyes and looked up.
"Hey there kid." He spoke soft and generous trying to calm down the child even though his voice spooked her. She jumped slightly and looked up to see him.
"Hi, sir." She stated softly being kind.
"Why are you outside?" He asked sitting down beside the child making her scoot away a bit.
"My parents are fighting." She spoke looking at the man.
"Oh. What are they fighting about?" He asked.
"Me. And their not even my real parents." The little girl sighed looking down. Lucifer sighed and put his arm on the back of bench.
"I bet that sucks, huh." He sighed.
"Yeah. They call me an abomination." She sighed looking up at the stars.
"An abomination? Wow. That's mean. You don't seem like that to me." Lucifer stated raising his hand up and moving it around a bit as he talked. The little girl flinched as he moved his hand up, making him notice.
"Yeah. It all happened after I turned into a kid." She sighed.
"Really?" He asked.
"Yes. My mother said that when I turned four that I started throwing stuff around out of no where. Like I was evil. Then she led to the point where that my real mom was probably glad that she died and that my real dad never stayed because I was evil." The little girl sighed looking down at her hands that we're shaking.
"I bet their wrong. I bet you would be an amazing kid." He chuckled making the little girl smile
"Really?!" She exclaimed with a small smile.
"Yeah. What did your mom name you?" He asked.
"Y/n." She giggled.
"Wow—" Lucifer begin to say when a tall woman with black hair wearing a t-shirt and jeans stepped out of the house interrupting him. Y/n jumped and looked at the woman.
"Y/n, what did I say about you talking to strangers!" The woman yelled making Y/n turn and look at the woman.
"Sorry, ma'am." She spoke hesitantly.
"Get your Ass in here now!" The woman yelled making Y/n turn towards Lucifer.
"Hey Y/n. If you ever need to talk or need help, pray to Luci. I'll hear you." Lucifer chuckled making Y/n grin a bit. She then hugged him around the neck, tight.
"Thanks, Luci." She stated closing her eyes feeling safe.
"No problem kiddo." He sighed noticing some bruises on the back of her arms and legs. He hated knowing what his child is going through. She let go and hesitantly walked towards the lady. The lady grabbed her arm and dragged her inside. The yelling made him realize that his child was being abused.

He started thinking what he should do as he walked a little bit around the streets. He thought about going into that house and snapping his fingers killing both of the humans for hurting his daughter, but then he thought he might scare her. Every idea he would normally do felt like the worse possible idea. He didn't want to scare his own daughter more than she already is. That is when one thought came to mind.


His younger brother would know how to save the child without scarring her. Lucifer grabbed his phone he only used to call people if he needed to talk to someone in private. He pulled up Gabriel's number and waited for him to answer. It was a little bit later when it picked up.
"Hello." Gabriel voice stated.
"Hey, Gabe." He spoke waiting for a reply.
"Luci? What are you doing with a cell phone?" Gabriel questioned.
"That's another story for another time. Listen, I... umm... need to talk." Lucifer stated trying to find the right words as he looked up at the house his daughter was in.
"What about?" Gabriel asked.
"Can we meet in person?" Lucifer asked avoiding his questions.
"Sure. Where are you?" Gabriel asked. Lucifer told him and hung up the phone awaiting for his younger brother's arrival. He watched the house making sure he didn't here any screams. He turned around and looked towards the opposite way as he saw his younger brother appear.

"Sup, bro." Gabriel chuckled.
"Hey." Lucifer chuckled.
"So what's so important that you couldn't say it over the phone?" Gabriel asked.
"Well, it's about this little girl." Lucifer stated pointing to the house behind him.
"Why do you care about a child?" Gabriel asked.
"Well, you see. She's my daughter." He stated looking down.
"Wait! You have a daughter?" Gabriel questioned.
"Yeah, and her mom was human, and I guess when she passed Y/n got put up for adoption." Lucifer chuckled.
"So you mean to tell me that your daughter in there is a nephilim? And Y/n, whose that?" Gabriel demanded.
"Y/n is her name. Besides that's not the reason why I called." Lucifer sighed.
"Okay. Why did you call?" Gabriel asked.
"I think she's being abused and I want to save her, but I don't want to scare her." Lucifer stated looking down.
"You mean to tell me that your daughter is in a family of abusers and your actually trying to be good?" Gabriel stated trying to get all the peices together.
"Yeah. Can you help me or not?" Lucifer pouted looking at his younger brother.
"Yeah. I'll help—" Gabriel begin to say when a shouting and screams got their attention.

"Luci, please stop this!" A whispering cry came through to Lucifer making him look at the house.

"Umm... Gabe, Y/n's praying." Lucifer spoke.
"Is it a good thing or a bad thing?" Gabriel asked.
"Bad. She's crying." Lucifer spoke.
"Let's go." Gabriel stated as the shouting and screams continued. They then took off towards the house. They kicked the door down and ran inside. They listened for the screams and shouting coming from a hallway. They walked down the hallways and heard the screams coming from the room at the very end of the hall. They both then took off down the hall and kicked the door open. They saw Y/n laying on the ground crying as the black hair lady held a belt holding it in the air. A man  with black hair and wearing a red shirt and shorts sat watching it happened.
"Who the hell are you?" The man demanded getting up.
"Step away from the kid, you bags of dicks." Gabriel growled.
"Yeah. I'll advise you to stay away from her." Lucifer growled making Y/n look up.
"Luci!" She cried.
"Yeah. It's me." He stated looking down at the child.
"Why do you care? Huh. She my daughter. I'll raise her how I want." The woman laughed.
"Okay. That does it." Gabriel growled flick his hand shoving the lady and the man against the wall.
"Lucifer get her out of here." Gabriel stated making Lucifer get down on one knee.
"Come on sweetheart. Luci got you." Lucifer stated holding his arms out. Y/n saw this as an attempt to run. She jumped up and ran into Lucifer's arms crying. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around her. He then stood up.
"Let's go." Gabriel stated following Lucifer out. They walked out onto the streets and Lucifer held Y/n.
"Hey, shhhh. It's okay." Lucifer sighed trying to calm Y/n down.
"Thank you!" She cried.
"I'll always be here for you. Alright kid." Lucifer stated bouncing the kid a bit.
"Hey, Luci. What are we going to do about those two?" Gabriel asked looking back at the house.
"I've got it." Lucifer sighed looking down at his daughter.
"Hey, Y/n. Go to Uncle Gabe over there. He'll keep you safe until I get back." Lucifer stated making Y/n look at Gabriel.
"Okay." She stated letting Lucifer go. He placed her on the ground and she ran to Gabriel who picked her up.
"I've got her. Go take care of them." Gabriel sighed holding her.

Lucifer nodded and turned around and walked insides. The people where still against the wall and he pulled out his Archangel blade.
"Let us go! We won't tell anyone you two where here." The lady begged.
"I'm sorry, but that's not going to happen." Lucifer stated getting closer to the man and woman.
"Please! I beg of you!" The woman screamed.
"You see. What did you call my daughter... ummm.... what was it? Oh right! You called her an abomination, evil." Lucifer chuckled flashing his red eyes.
"She isn't I promise!" The woman yelled.
"Yeah. Just let us go." The man begged in fear.
"Okay. You see now you just want me to spare your life. Sorry, but no." Lucifer growled snapping his fingers making the man splatter into blood.
"Oh my god!" The woman screamed.
"Yeah. Not so much." Lucifer stated holding his Archangel blade to the woman's throat.
"Please don't do this." She begged.
"Oh is that what my daughter begged to you. Asked you to not hurt her. Well, I'll show you what you deserve." Lucifer growled moving his blade up to her cheek and moving it down quickly. The woman screamed in pain as he then moved the blade to her stomach. He stuck the blade through one of her lungs making her gasp out for air. He snapped his finger exploding her. He then snapped his fingers again, cleaning up himself and the blood he made.

He then walked out side and Y/n ran to him.
"Luci, are you my dad?" Y/n asked.
"Yeah." Lucifer stated with a smile.
"Then thanks you for saving me. I love you, dad." Y/n stated hugging her dad making him pick her up.
"No problem sweetheart. Now let's go have a good life." He stated with a smile as he followed his brother to an apartment complex. He referred to himself as his vessels name which was Nick. They lived beside Gabriel in witness protection. The three of them staying safe and out of harms way.

Supernatural: Lucifer's Daughter: OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now