You meet Gabriel: Part 1:

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Author's note:
Takes place in Season 5, episode 8; Changing Channels


This case was a little weird. First things started with a very strange bear attack, and one of the witnesses said it was the Hulk.

After me and Sam checked out the scene, we found some bizarre things. There was an 8 foot tall hole in the wall, candy wrappers at the scene, and a weird feeling. Even after learning from Zachariah that I am an Archangel and Lucifer's daughter, I tend to know a familar feeling when it happens.

That was just like this case.

I've heard countless stories about the Trickster pranking Dean and Sam. Then when Dean was dying, I only met the man for a short time trying to convince Sam to let him go. Which when I saw him, I got a weird feeling, and that's just what the scene felt like. Except it felt familar to me, or more or less words similar to what I am. I kept it to myself and went back tome and the boy's hotel room. Dean told Sam and me about the victim and we begin telling him about what we found at the scene.

"So Dean, guess what we found out at the scene?" Sam asked.
"What." Dean asked.
"We found an out line of an 8 foot tall man." I added.
"And candy bar wrappers." Sam added.
"And what do we know that likes messing with people before killing them and has a sweet tooth?" Dean asked.
"The Trickster." Sam sighed.
"Yeah. And I've wanted to gank that mother ever since the mystery spot." Dean stated.
"Great, I finally get to have a normal conversation with him." I mumbled with a smile.
"Y/n there's nothing normal about talking to him." Sam stated turning and looking at me.
"Yeah, Angel. Don't you remember how many times he tried to kill me? Besides why would you want to talk to him?" Dean questioned.
"I only remember on that case about the three of us at a dinner, Sam going over how many times he's seen you die, then he follow a man and he morphed into the Trickster. I tried to get Sam to back down and let him go, then I went back into a solid state of sleep and it was Wednesday." I stated with a smile looking at Dean.
"Okay. Well he's not that charming and there's not much you need to know about him" Dean chuckled.
"Well when I met him I didn't think he was half that bad. Besides he likes to mess with you two ass clowns, and when I met him he seem to like my idea of letting him live." I giggled.
"She's right. He did say that Y/n was the only one between the two of us that instantly thought it's best to let him live and that she was the nice one." Sam chuckled.
"Besides I think we should talk to him." I sighed.
"Talk to him?" Dean questioned.
"Yeah. You two have tried to kill him and he's still coming back. Hell, he's probably the most powerfulest things you've two dealt with. Besides at the time I didn't know I was an Angel and he probably did. That could be another reason why he knew not to mess with me. And maybe he knows what to do about the apocalypse and my father." I stated with a smile.
"Okay. Fine. You can talk, but I'm going to be prepared. Just in case he turns on us." Dean stated.
"Fine." I sighed as Dean walked outside with his keys and got some wooden stakes.

After a little while Sam had a police radio and Dean was sharpening the wooden stakes. I changed into a black tank top and a pair of jeans. I had my hair up in a ponytail and wore my normal black boots. I was sitting beside Dean waiting for a call, just like the two boys. Soon the police radio spoke and made me jump up.
"Alright. I'm heading to the scene. I'll be waiting for you guys." I stated.
"Okay. We'll get ready and meet you there." Sam added.
"Okay. Well Angel, before you go, don't forget to give me a kiss." Dean chuckled with a smile.
"Really. First of all, I'll see you at the scene. And Second, right after you questioned why we should talk to the Trickster?" I questioned.
"Sorry. Please." Dean whined.
"Aww. Look at that. He's whining." I giggled glancing over at Sam making him laugh.
"You always do." Dean whined making me walked towards him.
"I know. I'm just messing with you. I giggled getting closer to Dean. I then pressed my lips against his as he pushed back. I grinned afterwards as I looked up at him.
"Thanks, Angel." Dean grinned.
"Better." I giggled.
"Better." Dean chuckled.
"Get a room, you two." Sam sighed.
"I'm leaving. See yeah boys there." I giggled snapping my fingers showing up at an old, abandoned saw mill.

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