therapy - tw

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age: 17
warnings: ed
a/n: not Nat's daughter

About four months ago Fury introduced a new rule to the Avengers. That being that we all had to undergo therapy every one to two weeks, depending on the person.

Everyone was on board with it because being an Avenger can take a huge toll on you not only physically but mentally, therefore it seemed like a good idea. Me however, I hated the idea. I've never been one for talking about my feelings.

The first couple of months I tried to push past how I was feeling, knowing that there was no way I was going to get out of it. I never really told the truth on how I was actually feeling, so my therapist would just do a fortnightly check up I guess and then we'd spend most of our time talking about what my hobbies were or what our favourite movies are. I've always been good at lying so she never asked questions...until a few weeks ago.

She started asking questions such as, if I've been eating and sleeping enough. How often I train and how long for. She asked if I spent a lot of time baking for other people - like what has that got to do with anything? Yes I bake for other people, but only because I like baking.

I mean sure they might be normal questions for other people, but they were oddly specific especially considering the fact that we'd never spoken about it before.

Sure, I sometimes skip meals and go train after eating to burn calories, but everyone does that.

Today, I was asked the same questions. I got frustrated with her so decided to stop answering, because every time I gave her an answer she practically accused me of lying.

"Look Y/N, it's my job to ask these questions and I know that you're not being honest with me and you not answering me is not going to change the fact that you're still going to be sitting here for the next forty minutes. It's up to you whether or not we sit in silence, or we talk about how you're really doing." She tells me somewhat calmly. I remain silent.

...and that's exactly what my stubborn ass did for the next forty minutes of my session. I remained silent.

"Our time is up. I'll see you next Saturday." My therapist announces. "I'm not supposed to see you for another two weeks?" I ask, making the fact that I'm annoyed very clear. "I'm changing our time to weekly sessions for a while." She states, packing her files away. "Why? I don't need weekly sessions, I'm fine." I argue, standing up from my chair, probably a bit too quickly as everything goes blurry for a second. "Y/N, it's eighty degrees outside and you're wrapped in three blankets because your body is telling you that you're cold. You zone out in the middle of our conversations - not that we had many today, and every time you stand up you almost pass out. You're not fine, but I understand that it might take some time to acknowledge that." She says, being completely and brutally honest.

"See you next week." She smiles, opening the door. I walk at in a huff and make my way back upstairs to my bedroom.


Later in the day we were all gathered around in the common room discussing what our plan was for a big mission that was coming up in a few days. Not all of us were meant to be going but it was one the whole team knew about just incase backup was needed.

When that discussion came to an end, people had moved on to have conversations whilst I had my head rested on Natasha's shoulder, trying not to fall asleep. It's been a while since I've slept well which has left me feeling tired all the time.

Nat was subconsciously running her fingers through my hair, chatting to Bucky, before Fury came in with a file in his hand. He wasn't meant to be in today so his presence confused us all.

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