The Viper Coil

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Izuku jumped down, landing in a smoother way to the last drop, and approached the metal crate. Opening the crate, he waited with anticipation as it hissed... and a new device was lifted via the raising compartment. Looking it over, it didn't look like it attached to his legs, as there was only one... but then he saw that there was a place to secure it on his right hand. The god-hand. Placing it on the spot, it fit snugly and locked into place. What does this do...?

The suit registered that he placed it on his arm, and it started playing a new tape, allowing Fisher's voices to "The Viper Coil upgrade to the LEAF suit allows pathfinder units to grapple onto certain target points in a limited range, allowing them to reach areas where jumps prove inefficient. For testing purposes, the Viper Coil will be limited to particular targets." Izuku noticed a crane hook attached to the ceiling via cabling. Is that a target? Aiming the device, it turned blue when it lined up with the target. Clenching the god-hand, the Viper Coil shot a heavy chain at it, latching to the hook, and pulling him towards it. Using its momentum, he landed on the medium sized platform, the clawed feet of the LEAF suit crushing the grass it landed on. Looking around, he saw another target, with another platform on the other side. Grinning, he ran down the gentle slope, building momentum before jumping and aiming the Viper Coil at it, firing and dragging him in a swing... just as if he was Tarzan.

He slowed down when he landed, making sure not to trip. Looking up the new slope, there was another door, this one an acorn door. He could tell due to the oak leaf bronze wreath on the front, with slots for 5 acorns. Pulling them from his bag, Izuku placed them onto the wreath, watching as the door powered up and opened. It was just as beautiful as the first one... and he found another ruined tent next to a crate. It appeared to be a dead end, but with this new upgrade, Izuku knew to check his surroundings, and above was what he was looking for. Another Viper Coil target. Jumping up in order to get close enough, the coil dragged him up and high into the air. If he wasn't wearing the LEAF suit, he would've broken his legs on impact. This was such a marvel of engineering, Virginia was right. Who wouldn't want one of these?!

The small path snaked through the rocks, and he was met with another acorn door. However, there were 12 slots, and Izuku only had 7 acorns on him. I will have to come back when I can... there is so much to find. He resolved, I will come back. After I am not in a life or death scenario! 
Over the edge of the cliff next to the door, there were two grapple targets. Swinging like the old comic book hero, one that many didn't recognize anymore, nevermind knew the name of, Izuku avoided a hostile amrita swarm, and used the Icarus Boost to make it back to the metal platform. It linked back up to the elevators again, and one still functioned. Before he jumped down, he noticed a wooden crate, and opened it. Inside was another energy upgrade, bringing his energy stockpile to 20 units of energy. The paper in the crate next to the upgrade detailed how, with Fisher's decision to limit the targets to "deadeye crane blocks", that the engineer in charge of the report has been putting his men at harms way. One died from putting them up. Oh god... I'm so sorry for those engineers. Thank you for doing your jobs... Putting that in the back of his mind, he leapt down the elevator shaft. Multiple wooden boards broke under the weight of the LEAF suit. He landed with a thud, the gears of the mechanisms screeching as they accepted the weight. Looking around quickly, there was another Amrita generator. Launching an orb at it, the elevator whirred to life, and an announcement played over the speaker, screeching an order. "Only authorized personnel are allowed into the Soma Facility. Please prepare your documentation for inspection. Extreme Screening and Security Clearance are in effect. All Personnel entering Cargo bay require appropriate badge identification."

This place took it's security seriously... I wonder if that's the reason why this place was never found?

As the elevator reached the top, it screeched again, unable to go further, and the door fell open. Climbing over the pipes, Izuku was able to see another deadeye target ahead. Latching onto it, he noticed how the trees ahead of him all had wooden structures. There was a sign at the front detailing that this was a training ground for Pathfinders. Amazing! I learn more about who actually use the suits at the same time!

Leaping over onto the platforms, the next tape played, voicing Virginia's thoughts as he focused on navigating between the trees: "As lonely as this place is... I find myself often in the company of the pathfinder Edwin Hall..." Edwin Hall, why is that name familiar...?

"...and the things he can do in a LEAF suit are astounding! Some nights we head to the rooftop above my office and watch the auroras. I have no idea what he could see in me, though... I tend to ramble a lot." Izuku couldn't help but laugh, since he did the exact same thing!

"I mean, who wouldn't find Mesoamerican calindrical systems anything other than fascinating? Guys love that stuff... right?"
I know I would! History is amazing! He then focused on getting to the top, and made it on top of the building. There was a swarm he pacified quickly, then Izuku had the chance to investigate the area. There was a chalkboard with different teams: Wild Roses, Buckriders, Valkyries, Raptors, and Landsharks. They each had their own emblem to match the name, the roses had a collection of flowers, the Buckriders had an ancient rodeo star, the Valkyries had a viking helm, the raptors had claws slash through a shield... and the Landsharks had a shark riding a lawnmower. They had such creativity with stuff back then... Not just heroes this, heroes that. It gets old after a while... That thought made him pause for a moment. The greenette realized just how far he'd come from a few months ago, when he still idolized heroes. Heroes these days are just people born lucky. They either have lucky circumstances, or lucky genetics. These people had to earn their place, and with power like this... He glanced down the gauntlet, clutching his notebook, That makes them a lot more worthy for the title than they are. Moving on quickly, Izuku added new notes to his journal, sketching the logos, the divisions, and the statistics, which showed how many acorns they had collected for the Acorn doors. Some had amulets on their tallies, but only 5 total were found.

They also had the names of the squads in there. A few were crossed out as MIA, while Edwin Hall appeared to be the head of the Landshark squad. Hall... that name keeps coming up. He must be important. I'll have to look out for him later.

Stowing the notebook back in its waterproof protection, he then turned to see another VC target ahead. Running with now practiced ease, he jumped and latched on it, using his momentum to sail through the air and land back on some more piping. Following it, he found another two crates. One had a note, while the other had a medallion in it. The paper was ruined, so Izuku couldn't read it. Glancing back to the VC target, he stepped back, then ran, jumped, and slingshot his way across the pitfall, landing near an abandoned truck. The hill sloped up gently, and then he saw it.

Soma Facility.

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