The Freedom to Speak About Everything

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The next morning, the press were all scrambling, searching desperately for the mysterious boy who took down the myth that was All For One, the Boogeyman, the Quirk Theif. Izuku was glad to not be living at his original apartment, because when they found the name and last known address, they swamped it. Unfortunately for them, it was explained that while yes, he did live there at one time, but he no longer did. And so, they were disappointed, left only to comment on the night's previous events. Meanwhile, he spoke directly with the chief of Police, a man with a dog head. "So, you had no alternative but to kill him, woof?"
Izuku calmly explained, surprising himself by how detached from the villain he was. He sympathized with the man, but he was still a monstrous devil of a man who would manipulate when possible. He was the Andrew Fisher of a previous generation, who, unfortunately, refused to die. Even by natural causes. "Each amrita orb taken by the suit also takes a quirk. He had many, many of them. I must've taken his longevity quirk, and then he died after. He just said to me that Shigaraki went into the wind with Kurogiri, so there's nothing to really search for. Without connections, they will probably vanish in due time."

The dog headed man nodded, before thanking him for his time. Izuku sighed in relief, glad to hear that Tokoyami and Ibara were safe. Apparently, the villains had witnessed their raw power, and sought to control them. But... Tokoyami was a good bird, while Ibara was steadfast due to her... well, the cult she worshipped. Izuku didn't have any faults with it, considering the first thing he did afterwards was read the whole Bible just to see what it was like... and for the most part, the section she believed in was not the vengeance and blood god, but the kind and noble one.

If that was what she wanted to believe, he wouldn't stop her. She cared about that too much for him to do that to her. In the end, he did love her, and her strict devotion. To that, and to him.

She hadn't wavered. And she only had eyes for him, even when that Dabi guy made a move. If Izuku were to guess, based on Ibara's testimony, the ravenette arsonist had a burning hatred for Endeavour, and wanted to make his son's school look bad in revenge.

Turning his thoughts back to her, Izuku smiled as he walked home. I'll have to live up to her expectations, Izuku thought, opening the door, and into a pair of worried arms. Inko and Cathleen wouldn't lose him, not now... and not likely ever. Not if he could help it.

Izuku was excited when he heard back from his publisher the next afternoon. Apparently him stopping a villain was great for publicity and gave him a fast pass for publication. He would be now releasing his findings in three days. One to print out the Japanese copies, another for delivery, and the final one to present and release. There was one snag, however... he'd need to advertise it. His face would be the best endorsement it could have. It's good that Izuku's artistry skills captured the majesty of the place, used in illustrations throughout and the cover... but his name was far more popular than that. So, he'd need to speak on TV. Cathleen was supportive, giving him advice, but this was something the greenette was currently unprepared for. And so, here he was, waiting outside an interview studio for a recorded talk show, nervous beyond belief. He wasn't allowed to wear the LEAF suit inside, so it was just him. However, when he was called forward, the hostess welcomed her guest. "And now, the boy of the hour, Izuku Midoriya!"

Izuku entered the set, waving to the live audience and the camera, before sitting down. He wore the leather jacket and pants he would have with the rest of the suit.

The interviewer beamed, "It's good to have you here!"
"T-Thanks... I'm not used to public speaking, so you'll have to excuse me if I stutter at times."
The hostess smiled warmly, "No worries! So, you actually defeated that villain three days ago, one that Allmight had trouble with."
Of course... that first. "Ah, that. Yes I did. To be honest, it was just a bad matchup for him. His quirk is the ability to take quirks, but I don't have a quirk to take, so..."

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