Chapter 36: The other couple

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sorry this took so long i've been super busy, love you guys and ur comments <3

Remus came into her dorm crying.

That was the second time this week someone came into the dorm crying, the first being Lily earlier this week after Snape had called her a word Everly would never repeat. That was the end of their friendship clearly.

Everly and Regulus were the only ones in the dorm when he came in.

"Oh Merlin what's happened to you?" Everly looked up from all of the papers and books she had spread around her and Regulus on the bed. Regulus looked up too, he had never seen so many people cry in one week.

"I can't breathe." Was all he had to say before Everly was up from the bed and hugging him.
Regulus started to move all the books and papers from the bed. "Here babe, sit."

Everly was so proud that he was getting used to other people's emotions and how to help.

Remus and Everly sat on the bed next to Regulus.

"What happened?"

"I was arguing with Sirius." His voice was shaky and there were still tears rolling down his cheeks. "He was being absurd and keeps treating me like I am some girl that won't leave him alone and I am so tired of it. He comes into my bed at night. Because of his nightmares. Which is fine and he's been fine but when we were fighting he looked me dead in the eyes and asked 'Is it because I kissed you?'  " Remus stopped.
Regulus and Everly looked at each other.
"You two kissed at the House Cup party didn't you?" Everly was rubbing circles on his back to calm his breathing down.


"Did you talk about it afterwards?" Regulus asked.
"No, but he didn't ask, and didn't act differently. I didn't even think he remembered until he said that."
"My brother when he argues can say some pretty messed up shit. I would know, I have been in many arguments with him. But he almost never means it. And me and Everly have seen the way he looks at you."
Everly nodded. "Exactly Rem. I just think he's confused. And he's so stubborn I don't think he is going to realize unless you talk to him. Show him it's okay to have these feelings. But I also think he should apologize to you, don't let him walk all over you just because you love him."

Remus was crying again, but he nodded in agreement. "I don't think I can talk to him right now. I don't want to see him at all."
"That's fine Remi. You can stay here if you want or you can go to the library. Just don't get high or drunk, I don't think that's a good idea with where your mind is at right now."

"Is it okay if I stay here?"

"Of course. Scoot up on the bed and rest. We can sit at the end." Everly hugged him one more time before he scooted up to her pillows.
"As long as you don't mind listening to us argue about our astrology homework." Reggie joked before grabbing the papers and books from Everlys desk.

They resumed their studying and Remus observed. Papers were spread everywhere, and so were books. Some on the bed, and some floating because they didn't fit on the bed.

Regulus might have been joking about them arguing about the astrology homework, but they actually did bicker over it quite a bit.

"We are doing the observation Friday night right?"
"Yeah but she's picking our partners for it tomorrow and we are going up to the tower to pick our spots for it. That way the class won't be fighting over spots at 12am." Regulus stole one of the books Everly was reading. Instead of saying something to him, she just began reading a different one. Remus thought it was funny, if that had been any of the girls, or the other boys, she would have said something sarcastic or rude and stolen it back.
"I hope we get put together. This project will be so fun. And we have to spend a lot of time with our partners and I don't want to get stuck with Barty. I will actually cry and drop the class." Everly looked up from her homework to meet Regulus's eyes. He had a very unimpressed look on his face.
"No you won't. You love this class."
"Yeah I know."

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