34 | Speed things up

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While I was being kidnapped by Gin and Vodka, I had the chance to slip a tracker into the collar of their jacket. I needed to know where their base was located.

Instead of passing it over to Tony, I handed it to Hailey to track them for a couple days. I wanted to know their route and familiarise myself with it but from the updates I have gotten from Hailey, there wasn't much of a pattern.

"Allie." Natty's voice broke me out of my thoughts. "Your friends are here to visit you again." She opened the door wider and all of them came streaming in.

I was still staying at the medbay much to my protest. Bruce wanted to make sure that I was healing properly since it was such a nasty shot. I have to wear a shoulder brace to restrict movement, Natty says I move too much.

"Don't make too much noise." Natty told them.

"Okay!!!" All of them sounded as they crowded around the bed while Natty had a talk outside with Bruce.

"Allie, look!" They all showed me the games that I missed out when I was away from school. Honestly, I tuned all of them out when they were going through the game and the demo.

Natasha POV
Bruce was going through her healing process and how she is going to feel in the future. Since it was still the school semester, I knew her grades were stellar but I wasn't too sure about sending her back but she had to meet the required attendance in order to graduate. Since she injured her right arm, I wasn't too sure how she was going to write or do most of her stuff. I'll have to contact the school to see if we can figure anything out.

"One more thing, she's likely going to be coughing every now and then since her immune system is down from the surgery." Just then, Allie was seen coughing while trying to defeat the boss in the game. George was making all sorts of sounds as it looked like she was failing at the game. All of them groaned when the game made a failed noise that was all too familiar to kids. "Allie! I told you to save the special power for the end!!" George stated.

"You and Conan are not very good at playing games, Allie." Mitch complained after taking back his console.

"That's fine, Allie. You're good at other things. George and Mitch can't match your grades no matter how hard they study." Amy tried to make her feel better.

I turned my attention back to Bruce once again, asking him if it was alright for her to go back to school or if alternative was the only choice. We went back and forth on decisions until we finally decided on one.

Bill came before dinner to pick the kids up and sent them back to their parents house. Allie was still stuck in the medbay even though she complained each day about wanting to go back to her room. I needed to talk to her regarding her school so I went to speak to her before Steve was done with dinner.

"What if I just take the test early? That way I don't have to go to school anymore." She asked. I was kinda surprised at her confidence in taking the test when the teacher has yet to complete teaching the syllabus.

"I don't think the teachers have set the papers yet. But I'll talk to the school and see if anything can be done." She nodded understandingly.

"When can I go back to my room?"

"Allie, I told you you still have to stay here for a while. It's much more sterile for your condition, especially since you just had surgery." She whined, kicking her legs. It's not like we have been keeping her in the room all day, she does get some time out in her wheelchair.

"Can I at least eat with the others? Please?" She gave me the puppy eyes which she knows I cannot resist.

"I'll ask the others to come out. I don't want you to be moving too much." Since she was right-handed she tends to stretch that side of her arm too much, even when she was adjusting or balancing herself.

>time skip<

There was one instant in the beginning when Allie asked for her phone being the teenager she was and she instantly asked if I looked through her phone. I teased her about having a crush but she shot down the idea quickly and guarded her phone.

Well, Hailey has been coming to visit her a lot more than the rest so I have been wondering if they fancy each other. Hailey was a lot more mature like Conan and quiet unlike the rest so I thought they'll be seeing each other. They really don't act like their age.

"Hi Hailey, here to see Allie again?" I greeted her once I let her in the compound.

"That's right Miss Romanoff." She said kindly.

"Nat or Natasha's fine."

"I think I'll stick to Miss Romanoff."

"Alright, whichever makes you feel comfortable." I led her to the room Allie was in before leaving them alone again.

Your POV
We were finalising our plan these few days. Conan and Hailey have been checking out a few possible places for their hideout and we have been slowly eliminating them one by one. Slowly but surely we are closing in on them. I couldn't wait till I am able to get back to my old body and get back to my old lifestyle.

Wanda barging into the room pulled me out of my thoughts as she was dragging Natty behind her and I furrowed my eyebrows as I specifically told her to come alone. We were supposed to go through the possible plans of action before telling Tony. He was the last I wanted to tell because he just has such a big mouth.

"So??" She wiggled her eyebrows as I looked at her confused. "Who's your crush?" My cheeks heat up at her question. I swear Wanda was having too much fun with this. I glared at her before covering my face with the blanket.

"I thought she liked Hailey." Natty said, making me groan even more.

"I thought Amy was more her type." Wanda adding fuel to the fire.

"Guys stop... I don't like any of them."

"Come on Allie, you can just whisper to me, I swear I won't tell anyone." She placed her ears closer to me and I felt myself turn red. It's you, stupid.

"I really don't have anyone..." Both of them continued on with the topic of crushes and I was internally dying laying down on my bed.

Posted on 18 Sept 2022

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