Fred Weasley - Wait On Us

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You pull Fred to the side as everyone begins to prepare for the journey to Harry.

“What’s wrong?” He asks, frowning. He puts his hand on your cheek and the eye-contact is overwhelming as he tries to understand why you pulled him aside.

You gently put your hand over his. “Fred… I think this will have to wait.” He tilts his head to the side and you realize that this is going to be harder than you thought. “We’re about to fight in a war. One of us - or both of us - could die.” He seems to understand a few moments later because his shoulders drop slightly. “And I think… having this to look forward to would help both of us.”

“Like a reward for surviving?” He asks with a small chuckle.

You nod. “I know it might seem weird and strange and counter-productive but I believe it’s what will work the best for us. We’re pretty spiteful people when it comes to proving the odds wrong.”

He laughs again and the sound is as wonderful as you ever remember it being. He offers you a soft smile and his thumb rubs small circles on your cheek. “One more kiss for the road?” You nod slightly, a grin making its way across your features as he presses his lips to yours.

The kiss overwhelms your systems. Every fiber in you wants more. Your hand goes to the back of his head, gripping the small hairs there. His arms tug you closer. He kisses you again. Everything feels right in this moment and you know that your plan will work. You’ll come back for this - or try as hard as you possibly can - and so will he.

You only break away from the embrace when George clears his throat. The two of you look at him and he grins as he says, “That’s cute but come on, guys. We have to go.”

for: jejesami

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