36 // The Game within the Game

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Chapter 36 - The Game within the Game

"Slipping down a slide

I did enjoy the ride

Don't know what to decide

You lied to me

You looked me in the eye

It took me by surprise  


When I was feeling down

You'd start to hang around

And then I found your hands all over me"

James' POV

4 months before (November)

"We should go somewhere else." I whispered against Andrea's lips as I caressed her waist and pushed her against the janitor's closet wall.

"Yeah." She agreed, grabbing my hair and pulling me closer to her. The stunning strawberry blonde-haired girl was sitting on my lap, one hand in my hair and another on my chest. My heart was racing fast as my lips met hers furiously. 

"Where do you wanna go?" She asked me, placing her lips on my neck and murmuring to my ears, her hands now all over me.

"Let's go to the beach." I smirked and so did she in agreement.

"Your car or mine?" She questioned in a seductive voice that made all boys from our school go crazy. Fortunately, she was mine and mine alone.

"My car." I said. She got up from my lap and grabbed her red blouse from the ground, putting it over her head. I sighed as her red lace bra was no longer in sight and dressed my shirt.

"You know what I like best about you?" She asked me, composing her hair and shirt.

"What?" I asked as I finished buttoning my shirt.

"Your muscles." She smirked and I laughed. Then I quietly opened the janitor's closet door and as there was no one on the hallway, we got out of the small room and walked towards the parking lot.

We climbed into my car and put the seatbelts and I drove off to the beach. Once in a while, Andrea would lean towards me and cuddle my arm. We finally got to the beach and I parked, watching the waves roll in the sand. Such a beautiful landscape.

"Fuck." Andrea said.

"What?" I asked as I unbuckled my seatbelt.

"That Kiara from rowing is here."

I looked to where Andrea was staring but all I saw was a girl with brown-almost-black hair sitting in the dunes.

"How can you tell it's her?"

Andrea eyed me with disdain.

"James, I'm a girl. We can tell who a girl is by her back."

I shrugged.

"So what? The beach is big, we don't need to sit next to her."

Andrea pouted her lips.

"I don't like her."

"Well, neither do I, but who cares?" I was starting to grow impatient. Kiara was an obstacle in rowing, was she going to be an obstacle here too?

"I think we should have fun." Andrea continued. "After all, she's always so sure of herself and so above everyone else, right? Like no one can affect her. I wanna change that."

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