10 // Break Your Heart

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Chapter 10 - Break Your Heart

"Now listen to me baby

Before I love and leave you

They call me heart breaker

I don't wanna deceive you

If you fall for me

I'm not easy to please

I might tear you apart

Told you from the start, baby from the start

I'm only gonna break break ya break break your heart"

Rowing practice lasted for three hours, with no pauses. It was hard, especially after summer when I hadn't trained as much as I should. But once it ended we jumped off the boats and went for a quick swim. None of us was very energetic so we didn't stay too long in the river.

Me, Ellie, Roxy and Lori were all in the same class, but Cameron, who was 19 years old, was in Senior B class, so his practice was next.

"I can't believe you stayed here for three hours." I said to Dylan once I walked towards him.

"I like to see you rowing." Dylan replied with a smile. "Are you going to stay here or do you wanna go home?"

"I'm tired, so I'm just going to take a shower and change and then we can go home. Oh, and can you guard my shell while it's drying so I can put it on the boathouse later?"

"Sure." Dylan agreed and I said goodbye to the girls and went to the locker room. After I took a shower and changed I made my way towards Dylan. My shell was now dried and Dylan helped me store it on the boathouse. Then we reached his car and Dylan drove us home. 


I don't want to, was the first thing that came into my mind the next day. It was Monday morning, and I hated Monday mornings. I mean, who didn't? They were scary and exhausting and stupid and mean. Especially when you're in high school and the two big jerks in school made a bet about you. 

But I knew I had to go, I knew I had to face them, I had to look them in the eye like I had no clue about their intentions. I had to do all that and even more. I was a little bit scared to be honest, but there was no going back.

Reluctantly I got up from my bed, went to the bathroom, picked some clothes and went to the kitchen. My parents were already at work, so I was alone. I ate some milk and cereals, grabbed my bag and went outside. Dylan was petting Rusty in my garden and I smiled at them. 

"Hey, guys." Rusty came to me happily and I gave him a bear hug.

"Hi, Kiara." Dylan aswered and Rusty barked in agreement. "Ready?"

"Yeah, let's go." 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Dylan asked me one last time.


"Fine. Let's go."

While Dylan was driving us to school we started talking about the famous Ice Bucket Challenge.

"I think we should do it." Dylan said "It's for a good cause."

"You're right, but I don't think we have to waste water in order to give money. It's like we are helping one cause but dishelping another, if that word even exists. After all, there are people dying because they don't have water and here we are spending so much water when we could simply give the money away. I feel like the whole ice challenge is just for media attention."

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