19 // Every Road Comes Back To You

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Chapter 19 - Every Road Comes Back To You

"It's hard to focus when your life is a blur

It's hard to see the truth

How can I move on when there's so much to learn

And every road comes back to you"

Matthew's POV

Kiara's face when she left was full of disappointment and frustration. People around me were muttering and asking others about what had just happened. Aiden had gone away and I did the same, releasing me from whoever was keeping me from fighting with the bad boy.

I passed through the crowd of students and went outside, clenching and unclenching my fists, trying to let go of all the anger I felt towards Aiden.

I walked to the school's football field and sat on a bench, trying to calm myself down. Minutes later, I heard someone's footsteps coming towards me and then someone sat beside me. I glanced at the person next to me and recognized Brianna Evenson, also known as the girl who had choosen Kiara to be mine and Aiden's victim in the bet. Brianna was one of the most popular girls in school and one of the prettiest as well. However, many people thought she was just a dumb blonde, and even though she loved to get attention and hooked up with many guys in school, she was also really smart.

"Hey." She greeted in a smooth tone, almost cautious.

"I'm not in the mood, Brianna." I warned her.

"Look, Matthew, I'm not here to congratulate you for fighting with Stuart, or to hook up with you or to shout at you." She went straight to the point. "I'm simply here to tell you that with this fight people are starting to get really suspicious about the bet, because suddenly you two are acting even worse with each other, and it all seems to be because of one girl."

"What do you want me to do? And why are you telling me this?" I questioned her suspiciously. I recalled what Kiara had told me some time ago in the school's canteen in front of everyone: You think you have lots of friends who admire you, but they talk about you behind your back. The truth was that after she left, no one had tried to deny her words. I couldn't help but feel like maybe she was right, maybe I couldn't really count on my so-called popular friends.

"Duh! You don't want Kiara to find out about the bet, do you? Then maybe you should stay away from her until this whole situation cools down."

"Of course, so Aiden can spend more time with her." I sarcastically retorted.

"Fine. If you don't want to stay away from her, you should at least be more discreet in trying to win the bet." She said in a firm voice. "Hook up with some girls or something so that people can see that you're not up to anything and you're just doing what you normally do."

What you normally do

"But then Kiara will see me hooking up with girls or at least she'll hear rumours and that will ruin any chance I might have with her." I responded, still thinking about what Brianna had told me. She saw me only as a player, and most likely the rest of the school did too. That was what Kiara had told me, and she was right. Of course she was right. But then again, wasn't it truth? Wasn't I playing?

Brianna shrugged.

"Then I don't know, Matthew. It's up to you. And seriously, did you really have to fight with Aiden?"

"He was asking for it. I can't stand him. He's so freaking annoying and stupid and such a jackass."

"I bet he thinks the same thing about you." Brianna declared.

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