2 // Ask Yourself, Princess

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Chapter 2 – Ask Yourself, Princess

"And who do you think you are?

Runnin' 'round leaving scars

Collecting your jar of hearts

Tearing love apart"

Aiden's POV

I got up at 7.30 a.m, not giving a shit if I was getting late on the first day of school. I stared at my bedroom mirror, admiring my muscular body and stunning face, before I picked out some jeans, a t-shirt and my favorite combat boots. Yeah, go ahead and tell I'm a walking cliché, then again, see if I give a shit.

I quickly ate my breakfast, grabbed my bag and my bike keys before leaving the house. Yes, I own a motorbike. So what?

I drove my motorbike to school and got there at 8 a.m. My high school was a large building, with lots of outdoor spaces. As son as I arrived, people started to look at me, something I was very familiar with. I received glares of jealousy and fear from guys, curiosity and desire from girls... and wait, indifference from that girl, Kaira or Kiara or something. She was sitting in a bench with that guy that's always around her, I don't know if he is her brother or something, but he probably isn't as they don't look alike.

I greeted some mates that were part of my "group" and then I saw Matthew Clarke making out with some blondie. Gosh, that guy was an idiot, I couldn't stand him. It was not like I didn't make out with girls like he did, it was just that he was my biggest competition in the whole school.

"Hello there, Aiden, second most popular and second most heart breaking guy at school!" he said with an irritant smile once he stopped kissing the blondie. We were always arguing about those two topics: who was the most popular and who had the biggest record of broken hearts.

"Actually I'm the first." I said smirking.

"You wish!" He replied, already starting to get mad. Oh, how I loved the effect I had on people.

"Let's decide then. With a bet. " I challenged him. He frowned, interested.

"Like what?"

"Simple." I said, like I had it all planned in my mind. Well, maybe I had. I always wanted to be number one. "It's a classic, I'm sure it's easy for you to understand." I smirked. "We choose a girl, someone hard to get, and the first one to kiss her, but not by forcing her too, she has to want it, and then the first one to break her heart wins both titles."

He thought for a moment before saying "Ok. Easy enough. I'll do it. But this stays between us, so the girl we choose doesn't know what we're up to." He said, looking straight at the blondie.

"I promise." She said with a seductive smile. Oh yeah, I remembered her, I had slept with her last year.

"So who's the girl?" Matthew asked.

"May I choose?" The blondie questioned.

"Do the honours." I said.

She smirked and then looked straight to the bench where I had seen Kaira or Kiara moments before. She was still there.

"Kiara Raven, senior. A totally antisocial girl, and definitely the hardest one on school to get."

"That guy near her. Is he her boyfriend?" asked Matthew.

"Not that I know." The blondie responded, whose name I now remembered: Brianna.

"What a pity. It would be funnier to break them up." Matthew interfered.

"Remember, Clarke," I called "the first one to get her and to make her cry because her heart is broken wins."

"Done." He said, and then Brianna tried to kiss him, but he stopped, with a fake smile on his face. "Sorry, darling, I'm moving on. I have another victim now. "

His eyes were fixed on Kiara, like she was some piece of cake.

Soon enough I'd have to start looking at her the same way.


Kiara's POV

I frowned when I noticed Matthew Clarke, Brianna Evenson and Aiden Stuart looking straight at me. The only one that used to look at me was Brianna and it was only to send me deadly glares. The other two used to ignore me, and I liked it that way. But now they were also staring at me.

"Can we get out of here?" I asked, because I knew if I didn't leave right there I was going to start arguing with those three.

"Sure." Dylan said and I smiled, grateful. Dylan and I knew each other pratically since we're born. Our parents knew each other before we were born and we've been each other's neighbours since forever really. He's been my best friend all my life and I'm grateful to have such a worthy friend like him. He's my only true guy friend and I don't mind, because he's worth more than many.

We entered the large building of the school and talked for a while before the bell rang. I then said goodbye to Dylan and walked to my History class.

When I was passing the door I felt myself being pinched against the right side of the door while someone else was trying to pass the door at the same time as I did.

"Hey!" I said, annoyed, when the other guy passed successfully by the door leaving me behind. He turned around and smirked and I recognized him as being the school's bad boy, the one and only, Aiden Stuart.

"Sorry. Did I hurt the princess?"

"I don't know, ask yourself, princess." I replied and I could feel people staring at me. Not many people had the courage to stand up to Aiden and apparently I was one of them. I knew I had argued with him one time or another, but that was it. I didn't really fell for the "I-am-the-bad-dangerous-guy-at-school-I-do-what-I-want-and-I-don't-give-a-shit" thing.

He smirked again and then went to the back of the room. I sat on the front and waited for Mr. Robertson, the History teacher, to start the class.

"You're gonna catch a cold

From the ice inside your soul

So don't come back for me

Who do you think you are?"

Picture in this chapter is Kiara's high school and the music is "Jar of Hearts" by Christina Perri ;)

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