18 // Changing is a Trap

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Chapter 18 - Changing is a Trap

"I'm not suposed to be scared of anything, but I don't know where I am

I wish that I could move but I'm exhausted and nobody


(how I feel)"

Dylan wasn't happy about Matthew being my lift, but fortunately we didn't discuss. The next day Matthew had a huge grin on his face and I automatically linked it to me. Not that I thought I was the center of his attention, but I knew that the fact that I had let him give me a ride had boosted his confidence and had made him think he was ahead of Aiden in the bet. 

Literature class was one of my favourites, even thought I had both Aiden and Matthew in it. Fortunately, I also had Dylan and Ellie.

Literature teacher was Ms. Terry, a forty year old woman, and today she had written in gigantic letters on the board 'Romeo & Juliet'.

"Hello, class. As you can see on the board, we're going to start studying Romeo and Juliet. But before we start on this journey that is this incredibly Shakesperian play, I want to ask you something. Do you believe in love at first sight?"

Some students started looking around to meet the eyes of their beloved ones, others started giggling, but a few ones nodded affirmatively. 

Matthew raised his hand, asking permission to participate in the class.

"Yes, Matthew?" Ms. Terry allowed him to speak out.

"I believe in love at first sight, miss." He said enthusiastically. "I think... when you find the one, you just know it." I turned around to glance at Matthew, who was staring at me. 

"Is that why you hook up with so many girls? To find the one?" I heard Aiden speaking, making some of the students laugh. Matthew glared at Aiden.

"What about you, Stuart? Do you believe in love at first sight?" Matthew snapped, visibly infuriated.

"No. Those things only happen in fairytales. There's no 'happily ever after' in real life." Aiden declared in a harsh tone of voice.

"But you do realize, Aiden, that Romeo and Juliet do not have a happy ending?" Ms. Terry intervened.

"I know. It's a tragedy, after all. I guess Shakespeare wanted to cause impact. Don't all of the most famous love stories end in tragedy? That's why they're so popular, because people feel touched by them. Because, come on, Juliet was what, fourteen? That's so unrealistic!"

Aiden had a point. Ms. Terry nodded, probably both happy and surprised that Aiden decided to participate in class.

"You may be right in that, Aiden, but that doesn't mean love at first sight doesn't exist." Matthew pointed out.

"But it doesn't." 

The words came out of my mouth before I could think about what I was saying. All heads turned to me, but I was looking straight ahead.

"Personally, I think love at first sight doesn't exist." I continued. "All you see at first sight is the exterior, the appearances, and that's not love. Of course you can feel that chemistry, the sparks flying, whatever you want to call it, but that's merely physical. It's not love. You can't love someone without knowing them. Love is way more than appearances, and appearances are all you see at first sight. Love is trust, and honesty, and freedom and respect. Don't tell me you get that at first sight, because you don't."

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