4 // Kiara, I Choose You

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Chapter 4 – Kiara, I Choose You

"And I don't have a second more

I'm gonna waste on you

And you can hate me if you need to

I'm not anybody's girl

And I will not conform"

Physical Education. My most hated subject. The only sports I was really good at were the ones related with water and unfortunately we didn't practice them at school. So I wasn't too thrilled about P.E. class, especially because Aiden and Matthew were also in it. At least I had Dylan to cheer me up.

Our P.E. teacher, Mr. Jeff, was a forty-year-old jerk, those who had been captain of the American football team at school and then coach for years and years. Now he seemed to have calmed down, but he was still really damn annoying.

"Attention, folks!" he said when the class gathered around in the school gym "today we're going to play basketball. To make teams I want Matthew Clarke" I rolled my eyes, Matthew was Mr Jeff's favourite "and Aiden Stuart."

I sighed. Now I really wasn't excited about this class.

"Can I choose first, sir?" Matthew asked.

"Sure!" Mr Jeff nodded. I was always one of the last students to be chosen, so I was really surprised when Matthew called me first. What? I was not tall, nor did I know how to play basketball. Why didn't he had chosen one of his buddies? Before anyone could say anything, Aiden intervened "Sorry, Clarke, but I was going to choose her."

Matthew turned to him and crossed his arms.

"But I was the first to choose, remember?"

"Only because you're the teacher's pet" Aiden retorted, a frown on his face.

I looked at Dylan. He mouthed the words "they really are into you." While the discussion between the two most popular guys at school unfolded, people were looking at Aiden, then at Matthew, and then at me, as if it was a tennis match played by three.

"Enough!" Boomed Mr Jeff's voice "if you want to argue about this girl, do it outside. Now behave like the men you are and keep choosing. She is on Matthew's team because he was the first to choose."

"Of course." Aiden ironically said.

"Sir, I'm sorry, but I think it's better if I don't play—" I tried to say.


Reluctantly I walked towards Matthew who gave me a green vest and his irritating smile. After the teams were made, Mr Jeff whistled and the game began. Fortunately, Dylan was on my team.

During the game I barely touched the ball, and when I did it it was to quickly pass to someone else. Matthew and Aiden were taking the game so seriously that I thought they were going to start fighting. At one point, at one of the rare times the ball was with me, a girl of Aiden's team tripped me, making me twist my ankle and fall to the ground.

The girl took the ball and I tried to get up, but the pain did not let me.

"Stop the game! Don't you guys see that Kiara is in pain?" Dylan asked, coming up to me. Matthew and Aiden, who were fighting for the ball, made their ways towards us and for my dismay a small crowd surrounded us.

"What the hell is going on now?" asked Mr Jeff, plainly annoyed that is lovely basketball game had been interrupted.

"Are you okay?" Dylan asked me with concern, but before I could answer Mr Jeff came up to me and yelled "GET UP GIRL, YOU'RE WASTING MY TIME!"

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