6 // Safe With Me

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Chapter 6 - Safe With Me

"How you gonna love, how you gonna feel?

How you gonna live your life like the dream you have is real?

If you lost your way, I will keep you safe

We'll open up all the world inside, see it come alive tonight

I will keep you safe"

I was nervous when I got up the next day. Dylan always drove me to school and I didn't know how things would be today, as we were not on the best of terms. I greeted my parents once I reached the kitchen. I didn't talk about them much because there was not a lot to talk about. My mum was a historian and my dad a geographer, so you can guess how they met. I only saw them on mornings and at dinner, and that was only when they were home early. Don't get me wrong, I loved them, and they had never let me down, but we just didn't spend much time together.

Sighing, I walked out of the house and a small smile appeared on my lips when I saw Dylan inside his car waiting for me. I quickly petted Rusty and then hesitantly made my way towards Dylan's car.

"Hey." I said with the same small smile on my lips, getting inside the car.

"What's up?" He replied, but he didn't return the smile.

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked, going directly to the point. I was fighting against the urge of getting mad, I mean, I was the one with the right to be angry, right?

"I don't know." He stated dryly, and he turned the engine on and started driving to school.

"You don't know?" I questioned, frowning. "Well, I disagree. I think you're still mad at me."

"What if I am? Who cares?" He shrugged and that pissed me off more than anything else.

"Dylan, stop acting like that! I've told you that I'm only trying to figure out why they are acting the way they are." I didn't need to tell him who 'they' were, he already knew.

"But that doesn't mean you have to flirt with them, does it?" He retorted, anger in his voice as he quickly looked at me and then to the street ahead of us. 

"So I can't flirt with them but you can flirt with Janice?" I asked, my voice starting to raise.

"It's different." His voice went back to being a calm, cold tone. 

"Sure it is, because you're a guy and I'm not?" My voice rose with every second that passed. I crossed my arms over my chest and waited for him to answer me. 

"No, because I don't want to see you getting hurt!" His voice was shaking and he had his hands firmly placed on the wheel, with such strength that his knuckles were starting to get white. Seeing him like that made me powerless to reply. We had never had a fight for reasons like this. When we were kids we would fight for silly reasons, things such as who would have the first slice of pizza or play with the Legos first and over the years we just teased each other with things like school, hobbies and such. But we never fought about guys or girls, not like this, at least. I was aware that Matthew and Aiden were not good to be around, but it wasn't like I was going to fall for them or something, Dylan didn't need to be so protective.

The rest of the car drive was filled with an intense tension between the two of us and I sighed of relief when he parked at school. I wanted to talk to him, solve things out, but I was afraid we would just argue again, so instead I just kept my mouth shut.

We got out of the car and before we could carry on with our awkward silence, Janice came running up to us, sticking a noisy kiss on Dylan's cheek. I rolled my eyes and got away from them. There was no way I was going to let them ruin my day.

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