16 // Everyone Hates Math

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Chapter 16 - Everyone Hates Math

"If there's somethin' strange in your neighborhood

Who you gonna call (Ghostbusters)

If there's somethin' weird and it don't look good

Who you gonna call (Ghostbusters)

I ain't afraid of no ghost."

I encountered Dylan and Ellie sitting at a table talking and went to sit with them.

"Where have you been?" Dylan asked, a worried expression on his face.

"Just hanging around." I replied. I preferred to omit the fact that I had been talking with Matthew. Dylan 's eyes narrowed.

"You are not someone to just hang around, Kiara." He noticed. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't hide things from him. He just knew me too well. 

"I have also been searching for you. Did you have fun dancing?" I asked, quickly changing the subject, though I noticed how Dylan was still intrigued. 

"We did!" Ellie answered with a smile but Dylan kept his serious face. I rolled my eyes playfully at him.

"Oh come on, Dylan! It's Halloween, let's have fun!"

Dylan then made a small smile.

"Have you been drinking? Because you're usually the last person wanting to have fun at school dances." He stated.

"Duh! They're playing Ghostbusters! I ain't afraid of no ghost!" I sang along, the energy bubbling inside of me. Ellie and Dylan smiled and rose from their chairs. We walked towards the dance floor and started dancing, doing zombie moves, and just having fun and enjoying ourselves.

It was fun, until I was spinning around and felt someone's hands grabbing my waist, while Ray Parker Jr sang 'Don't get caught alone, oh, no (Ghostbusters) When it comes through your door, unless you just want some more...'.

"I'm guessing you want some more." I heard Aiden chuckle in my ear and I could hear his teasing smile in his voice. 

I turned around to meet Aiden dressing as usual: a leather jacket and combat boots. I guess he was just too badass to wear a costume. Or maybe he thought he was scary enough in his normal clothes, which was true for most of the school people.

His eyes checked me out and I saw Dylan stop dancing and glaring at us.

"You look rather hot, Kiara." Aiden told me, winking. Dylan got closer to me and crossed his arms over his chest. Aiden rose an eyebrow at him.

"She doesn't need her bestie to protect her, dude." 

"I know she doesn't. But I just want to make sure you keep your hands to yourself." Dylan dryly replied. Ellie finally noticed neither me nor Dylan were dancing and came towards us.

"Is everything alright?" She questioned, sensing the tension between Dylan and Aiden.

"Everything is fine." I responded, smiling reassuringly at her. "Keep dancing with Dylan. I need to go to the bathroom."

Dylan looked at me as if asking 'Are you sure' and I nodded. Giving us a final stare, he and Ellie went back to dancing, while I crossed my arms over my chest and walked off the dance floor, followed by Aiden.

"I must say you look hotter than the girls wearing Cat Woman costumes." Aiden told me.

"I already know that." I snapped, eyeing his outfit, not really knowing where that statement came from. I wasn't usually over-confident, and neither did I like being cocky. But after all, I had to play Aiden's game. And I was starting to see that I was actually good at playing it. "I'm guessing you think your bad boy looks are daunting enough to bring to a Halloween dance?"

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