Chapter 1 (Part 2)

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Hey guys!!! So what do you think??? I like it, but let me know what you think, I love having feed back! But anyhow, here is the next part in this crazy ride.

"Who is Thunder? Is she really the good guy? Who is behind the mask? We all want to know...." I drowned out the reporter on the T.V. I look at the clock 6:00am. Why am I up so earlier on a weekend? During summer vacation? I sigh, my sleeping hasn't been to great. Always tossing and turning, waking up covered in sweat.

I don't know what's been causing my sleep to be so off. I wish it'd stop, it's really messing up my sleep schedule. I sit up on the couch that I passed out on apparently, my throat is extremely dry. I get up and get myself a glass of water, "Aaahh, that's better!" I turn to go back and sit when my stomach growls at me telling me I need breakfast. I groan and decide on cereal so I won't have to cook anything.

Then I sit on the couch, flipping through channels. When something catches my eye, It's the latest video of Thunder, it wasn't very good. Obviously it was taken on a iphone or something...It showed her and a man dressed in black fighting, then Thunder flies away. The reporter pops up, saying stuff about the person recording and questioning Thunder's motives, and asking who the heck this man in black is....blah- blah- blahtty- blah. All that boring news stuff.

I finish my cereal, putting my bowl in the sink. I get the urge to go for a walk, I grab my coat and head out the door. It's a little chilly out, but I continue down the street. A shadow soars over me, I duck and hide behind a tree it's Thunder! What is Kyleigh doing out this early? I watch her fly gracefully over the town, she is getting better at controlling her powers. I knew she would, she has always been a fast learner. I smile at the thought, soon enough Kyleigh will know the real me, the girl behind the mask. I walk back home, and flop on my bed, will Kyleigh hate me when she finds out? I hope not....I only did what I thought was best, both for her and this town.....

So how about that? I want to keep things interesting! I am still a little unsure of where I am going with this, but it is coming together nicely!

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