Chapter 19

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Ryan's POV

I sigh heavily, wrapping the thin scratchy blanket close to me, trying to keep what little heat I have left. I don't know how many weeks have past, or if I'll ever get out of here. At least during the day I get to see a few tiny slivers of daylight, that is when it's nice out. I rest my head on the cold wet mattress and try my best to get some rest. It's really all I can do, I curl up the blanket not covering my feet and the chain on my ankle stinging as it has cut into the skin, I wince while trying to get comfortable. I want out of here Andrew has lost his mind.....I need you Kyleigh...

Angela's POV

           Kyleigh and I wait till dark and the lights in the house shut off," Now would be best." I say quietly, Kyleigh nods," You're probably right, let's go." She whispers then sets off toward the cellar stealthily. I follow behind her keeping an eye glued onto the house incase Andrew wakes up. We make it to the cellar doors with ease, it's once we get there that's a problem.

           The cellar is locked tight with a heavy duty chain and a big lock, Kyleigh sighs,"Now what?" she asks looking at me for any ideas,"We could try to break it but that would be really loud..." I look around for anything we could use. " We'll have to get the key..." Kyleigh says a bit of anger growing in her voice. "Only if you're sure Kyleigh we don't want to wake Andrew..." I say, adding," Then we will never find Ryan.." Kyleigh thinks for a few moments but it seems like eternity and to her it probably felt that way too.

           She slowly looks at the house and back to the cellar then finally looking at me,"We don't really have a choice...It's either get the key, get Ryan if he is even in there, or we find a way to break this lock, which MIGHT wake Andrew..." I sigh why is this always so hard? Will we be like those superheroes in the movies and win in the end....or are we going to lose to Andrew....and then in turn lose Ryan too...

        Kyleigh and I make circles around the house trying to find the best way in,"The back and front doors most likely have alarms on them so we shouldn't go that way..." I observe," Maybe a window on the second floor?" Kyleigh suggests I nod approvingly,"That might work...Want to go look at them first? Maybe one of them is Andrew's...He'd have the key close by him at all times." I say. Kyleigh hovers up to a window starting the search for Andrew's, if one of them is his...I take a few steps back and get a leaping start and let my wings carry me. I go in the opposite direction of my friend, looking in each window carefully, looking for any signs of Andrew or a key.

Hello everyone!!!! Thank you all for the votes and comments I really appreciate them all!!! I love you all!!! I am sorry for my updating being so awkward, I have been so busy with my graduation things and this one online class (ugh!) but it's the last class I need to graduate so wish me luck! Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I think this book is coming to an end this has been super fun! kyleemuy <<<<<< This wonderful friend of mine is my inspiration for this book, please if you haven't go and read her book Thunder! oh! and she now has a sequel to Thunder, called Lightning! It's really super cool! Love you Kylee!!!!

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