Chapter 17

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Angela's POV

Beep!!! Beep!!! Beep!!! Goes my alarm, making me mentally groan I roll over and hit my alarm clock but I miss and it falls onto the floor. Beep!!! Beep!!! Beep!!! "Uugghh!!!!" Sitting up I pick up the clock and shut it off quickly, flopping back on my bed. It's going to be a long day, Kyleigh and I finally have a lead on were Ryan and Andrew disappeared to.

I get up and changed, grabbing my bag with my Storm outfit and mask in it. I yell my goodbyes to my mom and sister on my way out and head to the old baseball field outside of town. Kyleigh is already there she smiles and waves. I wave,"Hey Ky, ready?" She nods,"As ready as can be expected." I laugh,"You can say that again!" Which makes Kyleigh laugh as well. We make our way to our hidden spot to get into our costumes. Once we have finished changing we fly off towards a secluded cabin outside of town a ways. I use my abilities to cloud the sky covering Kyliegh and I, so Andrew won't be aware of us. I look over to Kyliegh, she looks extremely nervous. I fly closer to her,"It'll be okay ky, I promise." I say trying to comfort my friend. She just nods not saying a word. Poor Kyliegh....

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