Chapter 4

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After some thinking, I decided the best way to tell Kyleigh & Caitlyn was to have a sleepover! Pretty smart right? I call Kyleigh "Hey ky! I had a great idea! "
Kyleigh gasps sarcastically,"You have an idea? That can't be good, lol just kidding, what's this idea?"

"Haha, your sooo funny! But anyway my idea was that you, Caitlyn and i have a sleepover! Us three haven't hung out in awhile!" I say hopefully.

Kyleigh pauses, like she is thinking it over,"Your right we haven't, whose house would it be at?"

"I was thinking your house, it has the most space." (That way I can spread my wings if I need to prove myself)

"Ya, your probably right, I think that would be a ton of fun!" I can hear the excitement in her voice.

"Awesome!" I say happily, this may actually work!

"I'll call Caitlyn an have her come over! See you in a bit!" Kyleigh says.

We say our farewells, then I pack my bag, pajamas check, clothes for tomorrow check, toothbrush check, hair brush check, etc. after what feels like forever but is really only an hour. I am ready to go. I hope this works, only time will tell.

Alright, here is chapter 4, sorry i haven't updated in awhile, i just got really busy lately my cat had kittens so i have been keeping a watch on them and their mama! Again so sorry!!!! I promise i will try to update more often!!!!

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