Chapter 7

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They couldn't stop looking at my wings....shock, amazement, and fear were clear in their eyes. It made me even more uncomfortable, "Want to see?" I asked, maybe flying will help some. Caitlyn's eyes lit up,"Can we?!?!??" Kyleigh looked nervous," Uuuhhhh.....sure...." We went for a walk, till we got behind the grain elevator. Taking off my jacket again, I stretch my wings and take a skipping leap into the air, where as Kyleigh just starts to float. once we are high enough up Kyleigh turns to me,"How did you know I'm Thunder?"
I look down as if Caitlyn could hear me..."I am the one who made you Thunder...." "WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?" Kyleigh yelled. I wince knowing Kyleigh I suspected she'd react this way....I'm glad Caitlyn can't hear. Kyleigh interrupts my thoughts," How did you make me Thunder!?!?!?!?" That's when all H-E double hockey sticks broke loose.....

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