Chapter 2

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I woke the next morning with sunlight in my eyes. It was a beautiful day, as I get dressed I think it's time I had some fun in the sun! I grab my phone on the way out of my room and head outside. I text Kyleigh and Caitlyn to see if they can hang out, but I don't get a reply. A few minutes later I remember it's Sunday, they have church. Darn, there goes that plan I think to myself. I walk around town not really paying much attention to where I am going.

When I look up I find myself behind the grain elevator, it maybe summer but its still a little early for the crops to be ready for harvest. I look around, I'm completely alone. Now's a good of time as any to soar high. I take my jacket off and wrap it around my waist. I slowly unfurl my wings, yes wings, it feels so good to stretch them out after who knows how long of them being practically squashed into my back.

I have a 15 foot wing span, but my wings can tuck in extremely close to my body, it's supposed to make diving easier, but I don't dive often. It also makes it easier for me to fit in, for me to seem normal. My wings are a white-ish cream color on top, then underneath is about the same with some almost black speckles. I get a running start, or well more of a skipping start. Leaping up letting my wings carry me up high, I keeping flying up until my town below me looks like an ant hill.

What I love about flying in summer is the warm air, the way it flows over my feathers makes flying just that much more enjoyable. I guess by now your probably thinking, whoa! When'd she get wings? And how? Well to be honest I was born with them. When I was younger my family moved around a lot, I liked to show others my wings, thinking it was normal. Eventually I learned it was best kept to myself.

I didn't find out I could actually fly until my 13th birthday. That day my parents kept me home, they said they had a surprise for me....We went for a ride to my favorite place, one of our state parks. It was still a little cold, but I didn't mind. We went hiking, we climbed to a huge hill over the lake. That's when my parents asked me to try to fly. They said they picked this spot because if I couldn't I would just drop into the lake.

Smart right? Well I opened my wings, did a few "test" flaps then jumped off the edge. At first I was just falling but I told myself to fly or get wet and cold really fast. I pumped my wings, forcing them to carry me. I slowly rose, the look on my mom and dad's face was of pure amazement. I think they were just as surprised as me, a noise snaps me out of memories. I look around to find a plane soaring a few hundred yards above me. Whoa, that was a close call!  I coast through the air currents descending back to earth.

I land gracefully behind a large grain bin, tucking my wings back in. I unwrap my jacket from my waist, which surprisingly stayed on during my flight, and put it back on and head home.

So....that was interesting! Kinda surprised me even! Haha, I hope you like it. this was mainly a filler/ get to know the character chapter. Again let me know what you think!

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