Chapter 8

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Suddenly Kyleigh starts plummeting to the ground! I tucked my wings and dived after her, did she faint? Was she dehydrated? I can't really ask at the moment... As I get closer to her I reach out, not looking down I grab her hand opening my wings forcing them up, trying to slow us down so we both didn't collide with the concrete. Finally after what seemed like forever, we glided down to the ground.

Gently laying the unconscious Kyliegh on the hard ground. Caitlyn running towards us,"What happened is Kyliegh okay!?!?!?!?!" I look at Kyliegh then to Caitlyn,"I...I don't second she is fine, next she is falling out of the sky!!!"

"Kyliegh!?!? Kyliegh!!! Wake up!!! Hello???" Caitlyn practically screams at Kyliegh freaking out. "Caitlyn calm down she is probably just dehydrated...." I fall quiet, grabbing a water bottle Caitlyn mysteriously had, how? I don't know....she just has things...and hides just get used to it after awhile...I spray some on Kyliegh's face. "huh....wha???...." She blinks slowly looking at Caitlyn," I just had the strangest dream..." She turns and sees me my wings still out. " wasn't a dream....ugh...." She sits up slowly, I handed her the bottle,"thanks Ang..." She takes the bottle and drinks gratefully.

Sorry I haven't updated!!! But here is chapter 8! Enjoy!!! Let me know what you think! 😁

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