Chapter 13

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"Oh my god!" Caitlyn says, wrapping me into a warm hug,"I never would of guessed Andrew could do that!" I shrug pulling away from her. "So, that's what happened.....that's my story." Kyliegh nods taking it all in,"Now to figure out why they did that and are now after kyliegh..." I say, more to myself then anyone else. We didn't talk much after that, Caitlyn went back to eating and I got Kyliegh and myself another glass of water. Caitlyn was the first asleep, then Kyliegh drifted off. I on the other hand still very much awake, they are the first people I've told my past to, besides those who already knew. Moscow kept me a secret, using cover-ups to hide me from the world, after I disappeared. I couldn't stay there knowing Emie was gone, is gone. She was the first real friend I ever made...and now it's like she never existed......I'm sorry Emie, I promise you I will avenge you....It's not right, you should still be here....and not.....dead..... I curl up in a blanket letting sleep take me.

So here is chapter 13, I love the feedback! Thank you all! I love you guys! Oh! And just so everyone knows, Emie is based off a real person but she didn't die in real life, she moved far away and I don't get to talk to her much anymore, which is sad but I'll live! :) I still have ky!!! @kyleemuy

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