Chapter 12

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***Warning: some foul language***

My heart stops at the scene before me, Emie is hunched over mystery man 2's arm. She falls to the ground holding her stomach gasping loudly. I watch in horror, mystery man 2's has a long blade, coated in what I assume is Emie's blood....... Rage takes over me, I rush towards the man sparks shooting from my hands. "You bastard!!!" I scream. He just smiles at me and begins to laugh cynically, "She should have listened to me." That's all it took, and I shot lightning at him, knocking him down. He fell with a loud thud and sizzling noise. I stalk towards him, glancing at Emie... She isn't breathing and blood is dripping from her mouth, and her clothes are stained from her stomach. I turn my gaze back to the man, low and behold, Andrew...I should have known. He doesn't look hurt too bad, but my lightning made him lose his breath. I stand before him, " Why did you do it?!?!" I cross my arms. He just laughs, " Because Storm, I know she was close to you. I know who you really are, Angela." He smiles as my eyes go wide, "Did you think your secret would stay a secret forever? Ha! It didn't take much to put two and two together! Storm gets hurt, you showed up hurt as well, there were plenty of signs." I zap Andrew again to get him to shut up, he lets out a small scream. "That doesn't mean you get away with murder!!!" He groans sitting up,"Oh, but I didn't kill her, you did! Storm killed the girl!!! Now she is going to kill me!!" Andrew yells, there are gasps and angry yells from around me. I look up, and a crowd has formed....They believe Andrew....Of course they would...He is so well liked here.... Yells burst from the crowd, things get thrown, some people come and take Andrew helping him. I stare in disbelief at the scene in front of me. Suddenly I see bottles being thrown, they crash through store buildings fires start and grow quickly. The Yelling persists, there is fire everywhere, people are screaming and crying, "We don't need saved, not by you!" "Just go away!!!" "You freak, no one wants you here!" "This is all your fault!!!" "The world has no need for Storm anymore!!!" I fly away tears rolling down my soot streaked face. They were right, it was my fault....all of it...and no matter what I do I can't take that back... They don't believe me...They think I killed Emie....Tears fill my eyes, fine...You win this round Andrew....I fly home silently my parents and I pack quickly, then leave my home....

Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in like forever! but I've been trying to perfect this chapter and I have been working a ton! Hope you like the new chapter, give me input! I love feedback!!!

Edit: I finally got this chapter how I want it! I personally love it, but let me know what you think! :)

Edit: (Date: 12/31/18) I did do some more editing to this chapter!

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