Chapter 6

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We sit and chat for a bit. Nows as good a time as any, I think to myself, so I just blurt it out. "Kyleigh I know your Thunder!"
I wait for her reaction, her and Caitlyn's eyes go wide. "What are you talking about? She is so not Thunder!" Caitlyn chimes in trying to protect Kyleigh. "No need to hide it, I have known since the beginning, since you got struck by lightning."
Kyleigh's eyes get extremely wide "how'd you know?!?!? I never told you!" I can tell she is scared.
"I didn't either" Caitlyn says.
"Because I....I also have powers..."
Both their mouths drop open "What?!??! Since when?????" They say in unison. That is so creepy!
"Since I was born.....I...I also have wings..." I say slowly. At first they do nothing just stare blankly at me. It takes a bit for my words to sink in.
"Wings? Like actual wings? Where are they? Can you fly?!" Caitlyn is the first to speak her curiosity getting the better of her.
"Yes actual wings, no I have fake wings! Yes I can fly, they are under my jacket." I stand cautiously sliding my jacket off and opening my wings. They cant take their eyes off them, I can feel myself getting red, the idea to run away in the back of my mind. I suddenly now get doubts about this great plan of mine.....perfect timing...not....

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