Chapter 14

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I woke the next morning to a giggling jumpy little girl running through Kyliegh's house screaming "PANCAKES!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!" Yup, that's Kenzie for ya..... Kyliegh's little sister is always so hyper, it's scary. I sit up to see Kyliegh and Caitlyn being woken by the same obnoxious noise. Caitlyn grumbling at Kenzie,"Please just stop!" Which makes Kenzie realize we are all awake now and she pounces on Caitlyn (as per usual). I roll my eyes, and Kyleigh just laughs watching Caitlyn trying to get out of the small child's grip. We finally help Caitlyn escape and we make our way back to Kyliegh's room. After we get changed out of our pjs breakfast is ready. We all sit and eat the chocolate chip pancakes hungrily, I get extremely thirsty and get up for a glass of water. As soon as I go to stand so does Kyliegh, we stare at each other for a minute then just laugh and get our water. After breakfast Kyliegh, Caitlyn, Kenzie and I play a few more rounds of apples to apples then its time for me to leave. I say my byes to Kyliegh's parents and little sister, hugging Kyliegh and Caitlyn on my way out. I turn down the street headed towards home, the weather is amazing. Nice and sunny with a slight breeze, it brings a smile to my face. I'm glad I told Kyliegh and Caitlyn my secret, and that they didn't freak out! They have always been such good friends! We could go months without talking then come back and nothing has changed, those are the best friendships! I make my way home, and say hi to my mom and younger sister then go to my room. I set my things down and go to my closet sliding the door open, I move some things and pull out a small shoe box and sit on my bed. Oh the memories in this small box, it's time.... Time for Storm to show her face, time that Andrew got what he deserved. I open the box and pull out my mask, holding it in the light, I take a deep breath and put it on, I am Storm.


Hey guys so here is chapter 14!!! Its going to get really exciting!!! Does anyone do fanArt???? just curious!!! anyway, I start some DMACC classes soon, I'm really excited! Hope you all had a great summer, even if it was too short!!! Love you guys!!!!

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